Friday, October 18, 2013

The Gospel of John: A reading guide

Evangelio según San Juan: Guía de lecturaGospel of John: Reading Guide
El Evangelio según San Juan fue uno de los últimos libros escritos en el Nuevo Testamento.The Gospel of John was one of the last books in the New Testament.
Fecha: entre 85 y 95 d.Date: between 85 and 95 AD.

Autor :Author:
Juan, hijo de Zebedeo, apóstol de Jesucristo.John, son of Zebedee, an apostle of Jesus Christ. Hay cierta confusión sobre los autores de todos los evangelios. There is some confusion about the authors of the Gospels. Esta confusión es causado por el hecho de que Juan y los otros autores de los evangelios son anónimos en sus escritos. This confusion is caused by the fact that John and the other authors of the gospels are anonymous in their writings. Nadie quería darse importancia ya que Jesús es el más importante. Nobody wanted to be important because Jesus was the obvious focal point. Nadie se daba a sí mismo un título de Apóstol, maestro, padre, porque Jesús lo había prohibido (cita). Nobody gave himself a title of Apostle, teacher, Father, because Jesus had forbidden it (Matthew 23:1-12).

Juan describe a si mismo como el “discípulo amado”.John describes himself as the "beloved disciple". La tradición claramente identifica al “discípulo amado” con Juan, hijo de Zebedeo. Tradition clearly identifies the "beloved disciple" as John the son of Zebedee. Esto es completamente contrario a la moda de hoy de tener los “apóstoles” poner en su publicidad, “apóstol fulano”. This is completely contrary to the fashion of today where many advertise themselves as "apostles."  Only Paul referred to himself as an Apostle, as one who was "born out of time". El es el único que hace una defensa de su apostolado (Gálatas, 2 Corintios 10-11). He is the only one who makes a defense of his ministry and does this not for his own benefit, but to defend his message (Galatians 1: 11-24, 2 Corinthians 10-11).

Destinatarios : Se cree que Juan escribió su evangelio en Efeso.Audience: It is believed that John wrote his gospel in Ephesus. Esto indica que los destinatarios son de esta ciudad con su adoración a Artemisa o Diana. This indicates that the recipients are in this city, famous for its worship of Artemis or Diana (Acts 19). Ver Hechos 19.

Circunstancias : Esta muy relacionado con 1 Juan, donde está presente herejía, deserción, enseñanza novedosa y mucha confusión entre los cristianos si son salvos o no.The perspective of the epistle of 1 John:  The Gospel of John is closely related to the epistle of 1 John, wherein is discussed heresy (re the nature of the incarnation), the importance of upright living, attrition from the church, teaching designed to encourage the saints in their walk, and problems inherent with knowing whether one is saved or not.

La perspectiva del Evangelio según Juan:The perspective of the Gospel of John: Juan escribe desde la perspectiva de haber reflexionado, y meditado durante de casí 50 años sobre la vida de Jesús.John writes from the point of view of one who has reflected and meditated for almost fifty years on the life of Jesus. Incluye cosas que no habían entendido cuando Jesús andaba con ellos en la tierra.This includes things they did not understand when Jesus was with them on earth. Por ejemplo: en Juan 2: Jesús dice que “destruye este templo, y en tres días lo levantaré”. For example in John 2 Jesus says, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up."Juan explica que ellos no entendían lo que Jesús decía en este momento, sino se acordaron después de la resurrección y creyeron en la Escritura en la palabra que Jesús había hablado (v. 22). John explains that they did not understand what Jesus said at that time, but agreed that after the resurrection,  “…they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.”  (John 2:22)  John is also interested to present Christ in such a way that the reader might believe in Christ and be born again. (John 20: 31)

Esto es diferente de los evangelios sinópticos que relatan la historia como ellos lo vivieron.The epistle of  The Gospel of John is different from the synoptic gospels that tell the story as it unfolds. Más Juan presenta la conclusión de quien es Jesús. John tends to present conclusions of who Jesus is.

Palabras con dos sentidosWords with two meanings
Esto es una de las características del Evangelio Según Juan.This is characteristic of the Gospel of John. Un ejemplo es la palabra “levantar”. An example is the word "lift". Esta palabra se refiere a “exaltar” ya la vez se refiere a “crucificar”. This word refers to "exalt" and also refers to "crucify".

Propósito: El Evangelio Según Juan tiene una declaración de propósito esta claro y controla todos los elementos presentados en el Evangelio.Purpose: John has a purpose statement that is clear and controls all the elements presented in the Gospel. Esta declaración se encuentra en Juan 20:30-31. This statement is found in John 20:30-31.
Evangelio según San Juan: Guía de lecturaGospel of John: Reading Guide

El Evangelio según San Juan fue uno de los últimos libros escritos en el Nuevo Testamento.The Gospel of John was one of the last books in the New Testament.
Fecha: entre 85 y 95 d.Date: between 85 and 95 AD.

Autor :Author:
Juan, hijo de Zebedeo, apóstol de Jesucristo.John, son of Zebedee, an apostle of Jesus Christ. Hay cierta confusión sobre los autores de todos los evangelios. There is some confusion about the authors of the Gospels. Esta confusión es causado por el hecho de que Juan y los otros autores de los evangelios son anónimos en sus escritos. This confusion is caused by the fact that John and the other authors of the gospels are anonymous in their writings. Nadie quería darse importancia ya que Jesús es el más importante. Nobody wanted to be important because Jesus was the obvious focal point. Nadie se daba a sí mismo un título de Apóstol, maestro, padre, porque Jesús lo había prohibido (cita). Nobody gave himself a title of Apostle, teacher, Father, because Jesus had forbidden it (Matthew 23:1-12).

Juan describe a si mismo como el “discípulo amado”.John describes himself as the "beloved disciple". La tradición claramente identifica al “discípulo amado” con Juan, hijo de Zebedeo. Tradition clearly identifies the "beloved disciple" as John the son of Zebedee. Esto es completamente contrario a la moda de hoy de tener los “apóstoles” poner en su publicidad, “apóstol fulano”. This is completely contrary to the fashion of today where many advertise themselves as "apostles."  Only Paul referred to himself as an Apostle, as one who was "born out of time". El es el único que hace una defensa de su apostolado (Gálatas, 2 Corintios 10-11). He is the only one who makes a defense of his ministry and does this not for his own benefit, but to defend his message (Galatians 1: 11-24, 2 Corinthians 10-11).

Destinatarios : Se cree que Juan escribió su evangelio en Efeso.Audience: It is believed that John wrote his gospel in Ephesus. Esto indica que los destinatarios son de esta ciudad con su adoración a Artemisa o Diana. This indicates that the recipients are in this city, famous for its worship of Artemis or Diana (Acts 19). Ver Hechos 19.

Circunstancias : Esta muy relacionado con 1 Juan, donde está presente herejía, deserción, enseñanza novedosa y mucha confusión entre los cristianos si son salvos o no.The perspective of the epistle of 1 John:  The Gospel of John is closely related to the epistle of 1 John, wherein is discussed heresy (re the nature of the incarnation), the importance of upright living, attrition from the church, teaching designed to encourage the saints in their walk, and problems inherent with knowing whether one is saved or not.

La perspectiva del Evangelio según Juan:The perspective of the Gospel of John: Juan escribe desde la perspectiva de haber reflexionado, y meditado durante de casí 50 años sobre la vida de Jesús.John writes from the point of view of one who has reflected and meditated for almost fifty years on the life of Jesus. Incluye cosas que no habían entendido cuando Jesús andaba con ellos en la tierra.This includes things they did not understand when Jesus was with them on earth. Por ejemplo: en Juan 2: Jesús dice que “destruye este templo, y en tres días lo levantaré”. For example in John 2 Jesus says, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up."Juan explica que ellos no entendían lo que Jesús decía en este momento, sino se acordaron después de la resurrección y creyeron en la Escritura en la palabra que Jesús había hablado (v. 22). John explains that they did not understand what Jesus said at that time, but agreed that after the resurrection,  “…they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.”  (John 2:22)  John is also interested to present Christ in such a way that the reader might believe in Christ and be born again. (John 20: 31)

Esto es diferente de los evangelios sinópticos que relatan la historia como ellos lo vivieron.The epistle of  The Gospel of John is different from the synoptic gospels that tell the story as it unfolds. Más Juan presenta la conclusión de quien es Jesús. John tends to present conclusions of who Jesus is.

Palabras con dos sentidosWords with two meanings
Esto es una de las características del Evangelio Según Juan.This is characteristic of the Gospel of John. Un ejemplo es la palabra “levantar”. An example is the word "lift". Esta palabra se refiere a “exaltar” ya la vez se refiere a “crucificar”. This word refers to "exalt" and also refers to "crucify".

Propósito: El Evangelio Según Juan tiene una declaración de propósito esta claro y controla todos los elementos presentados en el Evangelio.Purpose: John has a purpose statement that is clear and controls all the elements presented in the Gospel. Esta declaración se encuentra en Juan 20:30-31. This statement is found in John 20:30-31.
Señales: Los milagros en Juan están presentados para enseñar (señalizar) algo.Signs: The miracles in John are presented to teach (signal) something. La señal mayor del Evangelio según Juan es la muerte, resurrección y exaltación de Jesús como Dios encarnado. The largest sign in the Gospel of John is the death, resurrection and exaltation of Jesus as God incarnate. Los otros señales apuntan a la identidad de quien es Jesús. The other signs point to the identity of who Jesus is.
Creer: Juan declara que su propósito es de llevarnos a creer que Jesús el el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios y que creyendo en Él podemos tener vida.Believe: John states that its purpose is to lead us to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in Him (20: 31). Esto hace que el propósito primario de este evangelio es evangelismo. This makes evangelism the primary purpose of this gospel.
Cristo: Cristo es la palabra griego para mesias en hebreo.Christ:  Christ is the Greek word for Messiah in Hebrew. Mesías es “el ungido”. Messiah in Hebrew is "the anointed one." El que tiene la misión de salvar el pueblo de Dios. The Messiah’s mission is to save the people of God. Juan está identificando Jesús como el Cristo de tal forma que podemos creer que Jesús es nuestra única esperanza para salvación. John is identifying Jesus as the Christ so that we may believe that Jesus is our only hope for salvation.

Juan usa las fiestas judías para explicar la vida de Jesús.John uses the Jewish holidays to explain the life of Jesus. Jesús hace su revelación a partir de una situación especifica en la cultura judía. Jesus makes his revelation from a specific situation in Jewish culture.

OutlineBosquejo :OuOuOOut:
el evangelio de según Juan viene en 4 partes:The Gospel of John comes in 4 parts:
1. Prologo (Juan 1:1-18), 2. Señales (Juan 1:19-12:50), 3. Gloria (Juan 13:1-20: , 4. Epilogo (Juan 21)1) Prologue (1:1-18), 2) Signals or signs (1:19 to 12:50), 3) Gloria (13:1-20), and 4) Epilogue (John 21)
Este bosquejo tiene varias deficiencias.This outline has several shortcomings. Vamos a usar uno un poco más complejo. Let's use one a little more complex.

PrologoPrologue (Juan 1:1-18) (1:1-18)
El prologo de Juan es una presentación de Jesús como preexistente, como creador, el encarnado, como Dios,The prologue of John is a presentation of Jesus as pre-existent, as the Creator in the flesh, as God incarnate.

Según DA Carson, Juan da una explicación de Jesús como la PALABRA (logos) que estaba con Dios en el principio.According to DA Carson, John gives an account of Jesus as the Word (Grk. logos) who was with God in the beginning. Este PALABRA se hizo carne y habitó entre nosotros. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (1:14)  Esto es el tema del Evangelio de Juan.This is the theme of the Gospel of John. También menciona que los principales temas y palabras del evangelio ya están presentes en el prologo: vida, luz, testimonio, verdad, mundo, y gloria. He also mentions that the main themes and words of the Gospel are already present in the prologue:  life, light, testimony, truth, world, and glory. Todo esta resumido en el prologo. Everything is summed up in the prologue.

Jesús es mayor que Moisés, quien les dio la ley, porque Jesús da la gracia.Jesus is greater than Moses who gave the Law, because Jesus gives grace, a Biblical concept perhaps best illustrated by the Episcopal acrostic, “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.”   It’s primary Biblical meaning is “undeserved favor”.

El prologo también tiene la aseveración de que Jesús el el revelador de Dios, “El lo ha dado a conocer” (Juan 1:18).The prologue also contains the claim that Jesus was the revealer of God; "He has made Him known," (1:18) “…made Him known,” Greek exegesato or English past tense “exegeted”.  Biblically applied, it means “to draw out” of a text or book after studying it, the meaning or revelation of it.  Jesus did this with the Father.

Carson también indica la posibilidad de que el prologo es un quiasmo.2.Jesus is revealed to his disciples
(1:19 to 2:12)
Esta revelación ocurre en 7 días (la creación)This revelation occurs in 7 days (as in creation).
Día 1 Juan el B: Yo no soy digno de desatar la correa de la sandalia.Day 1:  John the Baptist:  “I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandal.”
Día 2 Al día siguiente: Este es el Hijo de DiosDay 2 The next day:  “This is the Son of God.”
Día 3 Al día siguiente: hemos hallado el MesiasDay 3 The next day:  “We have found the Messiah.”
Día 4 Jesús es reconocido por un verdadero israelitaDay 4  Jesus is recognized by an Israelite. 
Día 7 Jesús el verdadero cumplimiento de la esperanza mesiánicaDay 7 Jesus the true fulfillment of the Messianic hope revealed to the world (2:1 to 12)

Juan presenta a Jesús en las fiestas judaicas.John presents Jesus in Jewish feasts. Las fiestas presenten aspectos de la esperanza mesiánica de los judía. The feasts reflected various aspects of the Jewish messianic hope. (Ver las fiestas en Levitico.) (See the festivals in Leviticus.)

La primer pascua (Juan 2:13-4:54)The first Passover (John 2:13 to 4:54)
Jesús limpia el temploJesus cleanses the temple
La mujer samaritanaThe Samaritan woman

La fiesta sin nombre [el sábado] (Juan 5:1-47)The unnamed festival [Saturday] (John 5:1-47)
Los judíos creían que sólo Dios trabajaba los sábados.The Jews believed that God only worked on Saturdays (Jewish Sabbath). Jesús al sanar la gente el sábado estaba haciendo una aseveración de que él era divino. By healing people on Saturday, Jesus was making a statement that he was divine. Por está razón se molestaba tanto la gente de sus actividades en el sábado. For this reason people became upset when His activities occurred on the Sabbath. En Juan esto representa el inicio de la oposición a Jesús. In John this represents the beginning of the opposition to Jesus.

La segunda pascua (Juan 6:1-71)The second Passover (John 6:1-71)
Para entender Juan 6 mejor lee Números 11 y noten los 5 paralelos: buscando pan-maná, murmuración, el profeta que iba a venir y más gente que comida.To understand John 6, it is best to read Numbers 11 and note 5 parallels: looking for bread (manna), grumbling, the prophet who is to come and, more people than food. Jesús es el nuevo Moisés. Jesus is the new Moses.
Jesús actúa como el segundo Moisés, “un profeta como yo” (Deuteronomio 18:18) que alimenta a la gente y les ofrece el “PAN DE VIDA”.Jesus acts as the second Moses, "a prophet like me" (Deuteronomy 18:18) that feeds people and offers the "Bread of Life". Jesús dice que el mismo es esta pan (Juan 6:48-58). Jesus says that He is this bread (John 6:48-58). Así anticipa la pascua final (Juan 13-20). It anticipates the final Passover (John 13-20).

d.The Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:1-10:21)
Juan presenta a Jesús cumpliendo los símbolos del éxodo en la fiesta en Jerusalén: 1.John presents Jesus fulfilling the symbols of the Passover in Jerusalem:
1. El agua que salió de la roca (Éxodo 17:1-7); 2. The water that came out of the rock (Exodus 17:1-7)
2. La luz (Números 9:15-23); y 3. The light (Numbers 9:15-23) and,
3. La revelación del nombre divino JHVH (Éxodo 3:13-15). The revelation of the divine name YHVH (Exodus 3:13-15) Jesús esta iniciando un nuevo Éxodo (ver Apocalipsis 15:3-4). Jesus is starting a new Exodus.  (see Revelation 15:3-4)   Jesus is the “I AM”.

En seguida, Jesús sana a un ciego de nacimiento (Juan 9:1-41).Then, Jesus heals a man born blind.  (John 9:1-41) Este episodio ilustra como Jesús es la luz del mundo. While in chapter 8 He says, I am the light of the world.  This episode illustrates it with a sign. Es importante notar que este episodio no atribuye la mala suerte del ciego a Satanás o el pecado, sino es para la gloria de Dios desde el principio. It is important to note that this episode does not attribute the misfortune of blindness to Satan or sin, but was for the glory of God from the beginning.

El buen pastor (Juan 10:1-21).The Good Shepherd (John 10:1-21).  This discussion has two of the “I Am” statements (10:7 and 11).  Verse 11 is the great statement of his purpose:  I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

e.La fiesta de dedicación (Juan 10:22-42).The feast of dedication (John 10:22-42).
Esta fiesta no esta en Levitico, sino viene del periodo de los Macabeos.This festival is not in Leviticus but comes from the period of the Maccabees or the intertestamental era.  This is the 400 year interval between Malachi (OT) and Matthew (NT). Están celebrando la reapertura del templo después de que fue profanado por Antioques Epifanes por el año 180 antes de Cristo. They are celebrating the reopening of the temple after its desecration by Antiochus Epiphanes in the year 180 BC.

La resurrección de Lazaro (Juan 11:1-57)The resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:1-57)
La muerte de Lazaro es presentado como consecuencia de retraso deliberado de Jesús en responder al mensaje de que Lazaro esta enfermo.Lazarus' death is presented as a result of deliberate delay by Jesus in responding to the message that Lazarus was sick. Al igual que el ciego, la enfermedad de Lazaro tiene el propósito de Dios de glorificar a Dios. As with the man born blind, the death of Lazarus is presented as God’s means to glorify his Son. (John 11:4)
En la muerte de Lazaro presenta un reto muy fuerte para sus seguidores.The death of Lazarus presents a strong challenge to his followers. ¿Puede uno confiar en Jesús cuando todo sale contra nuestras esperanzas? Can we trust Jesus when everything seems to go against us?

La resurrección de Lazaro es la señal que presenta la divinidad de Jesús de forma más directa y clara ya que Lazaro era un hombre conocido por todos.The resurrection of Lazarus is the sign that the divinity of Jesus has begun to have a more direct and clearer impact on people as Lazarus was a man known by many.

La entrada triunfal (Juan 12:12-26)The triumphal entry (John 12:12-26)
La entrada triunfal es una proclamación de Jesús como rey.The Triumphal Entry is a proclamation of Jesus as king. Pero nadie capta el significado en el momento. But no one grasped the meaning at the time. “Sus discípulos no entendieron esto al principio, pero después, cuando Jesús fue glorificado, entonces se acordaron de que esto se había escrito de él, y de que Le habían hecho estas cosas” (Juan 12:16). "His disciples did not understand this at first, but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that this had been written of him, and that they had done these things to Him." (John 12:16) Las citas de los Salmos claramente declaran quien es Jesús y que estaban haciendo. The quotations from the Psalms clearly state who Jesus is and what the crowd was doing.

Juzgados por la Palabra de Jesús (Juan 12:44-50)Judged by the Word of Jesus (John 12:44-50)
Jesús anuncia que una casa dividida contra si mismo no puede quedar en pie.Jesus announces the process by which God will judge the world. Esto es la sentencia final con el judaísmo. Jesus clearly states His relationship to His Father and expresses the nature of His own authority and the reason He is speaking as He does:  the Father told Him to say it.

Las otra capas en el Evangelio según JuanThe other layers in the Gospel of John-- En adición a las fiestas Juan también tiene otras presentaciones (o capas) de información que se pueden ver en todo el Evangelio.
In addition to the feasts, John also has other presentations (or layers) of information that can be seen throughout the Gospel. Si uno presenta una perspectiva en el evangelio es difícil que vean el otro. If one presents a particular perspective on the Gospel of John, it is sometimes difficult to see any other. Por ejemplo, hay varías situaciones y palabras o frases que se repiten en el Evangelio Según Juan que tiene que tomar en cuenta: 7 Señales, 7 horas, y 7 “Yo Soy”. For example, there are several situations and words or phrases that are repeated in the Gospel of John which have to be kept in mind: 7 Signs, 7 hours, and 7 "I ams".

7 Señales:Seven Signs:
Muchas veces usada como sinónimo de milagro.Often used synonymously with miracle. Pero señal es la palabra en el raíz de enseñanza. But sign is the root word in Greek. Un maestro señala la verdad. “It indicates a miracle viewed as a proof of divine authority and majesty.” (Hendriksen, p. 117)  Each sign has the effect of pointing from the sign to the One doing the sign.   As teacher, Scripture tells the truth but sometimes that truth is layered or incomplete.

1.1. Señal: Boda (Juan 2)Sign: Water to wine at wedding in Cana (John 2)
2.2222.Señal: Sanidad del niño en la sinagoga (Juan 4) Sign: Nobleman’s child healed (John 4)
3.3.Señal: Sanidad del paralítico en Betsaida (Juan 5) Sign: Healing the paralytic at Bethesda (John 5)
4.44. Señal: Multiplicación de pan (Juan 6).Sign: Multiplication of bread (John 6)
5.55. Señal: Jesús camina sobre el agua (Juan 6)Sign: Jesus walks on water (John 6)
6.6.666Señal: Sanidad del nacido ciego (Juan 9).6. Sign: Healing the man born blind (John 9)
7. Señal: La resurrección de Lazaro (Juan 11)Sign: The resurrection of Lazarus (John 11)
THE SIGN: The Resurrection of Jesus (John 20)

Jesus says: “Mi hora no ha llegado” (Juan 2:4; 7:6; 7:8; 7:30; y 8:20)."My hour has not yet come" (John 2:4, 7:6-8)  (John explains, “his hour had not yet come” 7:30, and 8:20)
En Juan 12:20 llegaron unos griegos a Jesús.In John 12:20, some Greeks came to see Jesus. Esta llegada cambia como Jesús habla del tiempo. This arrival caused Jesus to speak of the time, Juan 12:23, ¨Ha llegado la hora en que el Hijo del Hombre sea glorificado.”“The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” (John 12:23)
“'Padre, sálvame de esta hora...” (Juan 12:27a)."'Father, save me from this hour…." (John 12:27a)
“..."... Su hora había llegado” (Juan 12:27b; 13:1). His hour had come…. " (John 12:27 b, 13:1)
“La hora viene y ya ha llegado” (Juan 16:32)"The hour is coming and now has come…." (John 16:32)
“La hora ha llegado” (Juan 17:1)."The hour has come…." (John 17:1)
“Consumado es” (Juan 19:30)."It is finished." (John 19:30)

7 “Yo Soy Pan, Luz, Puerta, Buen Pastor, Resurrección y Vida, Camino, verdad y vida, la vid”"I am the Bread, Light, Door, the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection and the Life, the Way, Truth and Life, the Vine"

“Yo Soy el pan de vida” (Juan 6:35, 41, 51)."I am the bread of life" (John 6:35, 41, 51)
“YO SOY la luz del mundo” (Juan 8:12; 9:5)."I am the light of the world" (John 8:12, 9:5)
“YO SOY la puerta..."I am the door ... (Juan 10:7). (John 10:7)
“YO SOY el buen pastor (Juan 10:11)."I am the good shepherd (John 10:11)
“YO SOY la resurrección y la vida (Juan 11:25)."I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25)
“YO SOY el camino, la verdad y la vida” (Juan 14:6)."I am the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:6)
“YO SOY la vid (Juan 15:1)"I am the vine (John 15:1)

“Yo Soy” que es la traducción de JHVH o Jehová esta repetida 7 veces en el Evangelio de Juan."I AM", which is the translation of YHVH or Yahweh (Jehovah AV) is repeated seven times in the Gospel of John. Los “YO SOY” que estén en la lista abajo incluyen aseveraciones de divinidad de parte de Jesús. The "I AM’s" which are listed below are claims of divinity from Jesus. Es importante identificar los que afirmen la divinidad de Jesús. It is important to identify those who affirm the divinity of Jesus.

“YO SOY el que da testimonio (Juan 8:18)."I am one that bears witness (John 8:18)
Yo Soy de arriba” (Juan 8:23).I am from above "(John 8:23)
“…si no creen que YO SOY, morirá en sus pecados (Juan 8:24).unless you believe that I AM, you will die in your sins.”  (John 8:24)
“Cuando ustedes levanten al Hijo de Hombre, entonces sabrán que Yo Soy y qué no hago nada por mi cuenta, sino que hablo estas cosas como el Padre Me enseñó” (Juan 8:28)."When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I AM and that I do nothing on my own, but I speak these things as the Father taught me." (John 8:28)
“Antes que Abraham naciera, YO SOY” (Juan 8:58)."Before Abraham was, I AM" (John 8:58)
“El decía, YO SOY” (Juan 9:9; 9: “ese es Juan 9:37).“YO SOY el Hijo de Dios” (Juan 10:36)."I am the Son of God" (John 10:36)
“Ellos le respondieron: a Jesús el Nazareno."Jesus said to them, ‘I AM’.” (John 18:5)
“...“Respondió Jesús: Os he dicho que YO SOY; por tanto, si me buscan a mí, deja ir a éstos” (Juan 18:8)"Jesus answered, ‘I have told you that I AM so if you are looking for me, let these go their way.’" (John 18:8)

El Padre y Yo uno somosThe Father and I are one

La relación entre Señal y DiscursoThe relationship between Sign and Speech
León Morris sugiere una relación entre los 7 señales y los 7 discursos en el Evangelio según Juan:Leon Morris suggests a relationship between 7 signs and the 7 speech signals in the Gospel of John:

Señal - DiscursoSign - Speech
1.El agua en vino (Juan 2:1-11) - Nacer de nuevo (Juan 3:1-21).Water into wine (John 2:1-11) - born again (John 3:1-21).
La curación del hijo de oficial del rey (Juan 4:46-54) - El agua viva (Juan 4:1-42).The healing of the nobleman's son (John 4:46-54) - The living water (John 4:1-42).
Curación de un paralítico (Juan 5:18) - El Hijo divino (Juan 5:19-47).Healing of a paralytic (John 5:18) - The divine Son (John 5:19-47).
Alimentación de la multitud (Juan 6:1-15) - El pan de vida (Juan 6:22-65).Feeding the multitude (John 6:1-15) - The Bread of Life (John 6:22-65).
Jesús camina sobre las aguas (Juan 6:16-21) - El Espíritu que da vida (Juan 7:1-52).Jesus walks on water (John 6:16-21) - The Spirit gives life (John 7:1-52).
El ciego que recupera la vista (Juan 9:1-41) - La luz del mundo (Juan 8:12-59).The blind man who regains his sight (John 9:1-41) - The light of the world (John 8:12-59).
La resurrección de Lazaro (Juan 11:1-57) - El Buen Pastor (Juan 10:1-42) otro autor lo relación este discurso con el ciego de Juan 9.The resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:1-57) - The Good Shepherd (John 10:1-42).

Otras enseñanzasOther teachings
Espíritu (León Morris)Spirit (Leon Morris)
Envío (me envío a mi, apóstoles)Sending – Jesus sends the apostles (17:18; 20:21; etc.), the Father sends Jesus (5:36,38; etc.), Jesus sends the Holy Spirit (14:26; 16:7; etc.)

La segunda parte de Juan (Juan 10:1-20:31)The second part of John (John 10:1-20:31)
Juan presenta la muerte de Jesús desde capítulo 10:1 como el hecho central de su vida.John presents Jesus' death from chapter 10:1 on as the central idea of his book . En la primera parte Juan nos presente Jesús como el YO SOY, como el cumplimiento de las fiestas del Antiguo Testamento, como la Palabra de Dios. In the first part, John presents Jesus as the I AM, as the fulfillment of the feasts of the Old Testament and as the Word of God. En la segunda parte que empieza con la parábola del Buen Pastor (Juan 10:1-21) el libro se enfoque más en la muerte y resurrección de Jesús. The second part begins with the parable of the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-21) and the book becomes more focused on the death and resurrection of Jesus. La frase clave en la parábola es, “YO SOY el Buen Pastor da su vida por las ovejas” (Juan 10:11). The key idea in the parable of the Good Shepherd is the idea that the Shepherd gives his life voluntarily for His sheep. (John 10:11,15, 17, 18a, 18b). Se repite 5 veces “dar o doy mi vida” y de “mi propia voluntad” (Juan 10:18). “Nadie me la quita, sino que la doy de mi propia voluntad. The parable ends with 10:18, "No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of Myself. Tengo autoridad para darla, y tengo autoridad para tomarla de nuevo. I have authority (power) to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. Este mandamiento recibí de mi Padre” (Juan 10:18). This commandment have I received from My Father.”  Henceforth John focuses on the death of Jesus.

Juan tiene el costumbre de empalmar párrafos, enunciados, temas y secciones en su evangelio.John has the habit of splicing paragraphs, sentences, topics and sections in his gospel. Se puede organizar el primer mitad usando los señales y discursos. You can organize the first half using the signs and speeches. Pero la tema de la muerte de Jesus se empalma sobre el ultimo señal y discurso. But the issue of the death of Jesus is spliced ​​onto the last sign and speech.

La resurrección de Lazaro (Juan 11:1-57)The resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:1-57)
There are three reasons given which help to explain this section:  1) vs. 4 “…for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified…”, 2) vs. 14 “Lazarus is dead, yet for your sake so that you may believe, I am glad I was not there.”, and 3) vs. 42 “…but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”  “I am glad for your sakes that I was not there (at the death of Lazarus), that you may believe.”  (John 11: 15)

La profecía del Sumo Sacerdote (Juan 11:46 a 53)The prophecy of the high priest (John 11:46 to 53)
La resurrección de Lazaro sella la determinación de los enemigos de matarle.The resurrection of Lazarus seals the determination of Christ’s enemies to kill Him. Ellos no podrían tolerar Jesús haciendo cosas divinos. They could not tolerate Jesus and the miraculous signs He was doing. “Nos conviene que uno muere por que pueblo, y no que toda la nación perezca” (Juan 11:50). "… It is expedient that one man should die for the people, so that the whole nation should not perish." (John 11:50)  “... "... profetizó que Jesús iba a morir por la nación; y no sólo por la nación, sino también para reunir en uno a los hijos de Dios que están esparcidos” (Juan 11:52). prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation, and not for that nation only, but to gather into one the children of God who are scattered abroad. "(John 11:52)
Ungido para sepultura (Juan 12:1-11)
Anointing for burial (John 12:1-11) “Jesus said, ‘Let her alone; it was meant …for the day of my burial.’” (John 12:7)

Griegos buscan a Jesús (Juan 12:20-26)Greeks Seek Jesus (John 12:20-26)
La llegada de los Griegos indica a Jesús que su ministerio a los Judíos ha terminado y su muerte esta cercano.The arrival of the Greeks tells Jesus that his ministry to the Jews is over and death is near. Ya cambia su discurso de “mi hora no ha llegado” a “ha llegado la hora para que el Hijo del Hombre sea glorificado” (Juan 12:23). He changes His discourse from, "…my time has not come…" to "…the time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified." (John 12:23)  Jesus clearly identifies that He was going to die:  "Truly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it produces much fruit." (John 12:24) Jesus himself is giving the interpretation of his death.  
Jesus announces His death (John 12:27-42) "Father, glorify your name." (John 12:28)  
Jesus`s summary of his ministry (John 12:44-50) Christ’s public ministry is now over.  Then HE said, "He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me.  And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me.  I am the Light that came into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness.  If anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him as I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.  He who rejects Me and does not receive My words, has one who judges him:  the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.  For I have not spoken on My own authority, but the Father Himself who sent Me has commanded Me what I should say and how to say it.  And I know that his commandment is eternal life, so what I speak, I say just what the Father has told me to say.” (John 12:44-50)

The final Passover (John 13:1-20:31)
This part of John covers the events of a few weeks.  The greater part is dedicated to one week, which includes Jesus’ preparation of the disciples for His crucifixion and resurrection.   John the Baptist announced that Jesus was "... the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." (John 1:29)  So Jesus would die as a substitute lamb for His people.  
Jesus shared with his disciples at the Passover dinner. (John 13:1-17:26)  Jesus takes on the role of a servant and washes His disciples’ feet.  He also calls his disciples to do the same. (John 13:1-19)  
The traitor (Judas) is recognized and allowed to go his way. (John 13:21-30)  
Jesus gives a "new commandment.   "A new command I give you: love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  All men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”  (John 13: 34-5)
The 3 themes of Jesus’ final meeting with His disciples 
1) I will go away, 
2) They (disciples) will continue my mission.  And,  
3) They cannot do it alone so I will send my Spirit.   
Jesus was clear that the time had arrived.  He takes the role of the suffering servant of Isaiah 53.  He knows what is happening and when it will happen.  He is going to prepare a dwelling place for His disciples; "... I will prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again….” (John 14:2-3)  Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father but through Me." (John 14:6)  The disciples must continue His mission:  "... he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also....” (John 14:12)  When He was resurrected, He also said, "As the Father has sent me, even so I send you." (John 20:21)  Jesus will send the Comforter, that is, the Holy Spirit to enable them to fulfill their mission. (John 15: 26-7)  The Spirit will lead them to the truth and to remember all that Jesus had said.
"I am the vine.” (John 15:1) Context: Jesus had finished telling the parable of the vine a few days before (Matthew 21:23-27, Mark 12:1-12 and Luke 20:9-18).  In these stories the vine represents Israel and the tenants are the priests and religious leaders who prevent the people from understanding the message of God.  Jesus is coming on behalf of the owner of the vineyard who is God himself.  
Here in John 15 Jesus identifies himself as the people of God.  In the Old Testament, God’s vine is His people.  Jesus is about to take the sin of the people of God upon Himself.  He is representative of the people of God.  He is a substitute for the people.  If one is not in Christ, he has no part in the people of God. (John 15:2-7)
Jesus will send the Comforter, that is, the Holy Spirit to enable them to fulfill their mission. (John 15: 26-27)   
The Spirit will lead them to the truth but will not speak on His own authority but will speak whatever He hears. (John 16:12-13)  Being in Christ means to be in His Word.  Any Christianity separated from His Word is not Christianity.
Jesus intercedes for His followers (John 17:1-26)
Jesus is crucified and risen (John 18:1-20:31) John also records the death of Jesus in detail that all may understand that Jesus really was dead. Death is necessary for there to be a resurrection. 
John demonstrates the importance of women in Jesus' resurrection appearances.  Women were first to the tomb and first to see their resurrected Lord.  This was counter to first century culture in which women's testimony was not valued.
After Jesus was raised from the dead, He refers to His disciples as His brothers.  This follows the Old Testament prophecy (Psalm 22: 22) that Messiah will refer to his disciples as, “…His brethren.”  (Hebrews 2: 12 puts the announcement of the Gospel in the context of singing praise to the Lord). This is also confirmed in Hebrews 2:12, "I will declare Your name to my brethren, in the midst of the congregation I will sing hymns."
Jesus commissions his disciples (John 20:21) "As the Father has sent me, so I will send you.” (John 20:21)
Thomas comes to believe in the resurrected Christ (John 20:24-29)
The purpose of John: This is John’s thesis statement and the reason John wrote his gospel: "... these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name." (John 20:31)
John's epilogue, Peter and John (John 21:1-25) Jesus restores Peter and explains how he (Peter) is going to die.  Jesus makes it clear that John also is going to die before He (Jesus) returns to earth.

Donald A. Carson, John, IVP.
Gordon Fee, "John" in Douglas Stewart and Gordon Fee, How to Read the Bible: Book by Book, Zondervan.
William Hendriksen, The Gospel According to John, The Lighthouse.
Eldon Ladd, Theology of the New Testament, CLIE.
Leon Morris, Jesus Is Thehe Christ, CLIE.
Leon Morris, The Gospel According To John, CLIE.
Frank Thielman, New Testament Theology, Zondervan.
Moore distance education, John And His Epistles, Moore Theological College.
Donald Guthrie, "John" in New Bible Commentary Revised, Eerdmans  

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