In the task of training people for evangelism is important to know how God sees and treats unbelievers.
There is a passage in Mark 4: 1-20; Matthew 13: 1-23 and Luke 8: 4-15 indicating four responses to evengelio part of the unbelievers: 1) falling on hard ground along the path 2) falling on stony 3) that falls among thorns and 4) that falls on good ground. Here in Psalm 107 we also four types of people who respond to the gospel.
What we seek in the first reading:
As we read the text of Psalm observe his patterns.
What are synonyms for "redeem"?
How does the psalmist defines the word "redeem" in the same Psalm?
What are the sayings that are repeated in Psalm?
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever.
Let them say the Lord's redeemed, whom he redeemed from the hand of the adversary,
who gathered from all lands, from east and west, north and south.
Wandered in desert places, without finding the way to a livable city.
Hungry and thirsty, life ebbed them.
In their distress they cried to the Lord, and he delivered them from their distress.
He took the right path until you reach a livable city.
Let them thank the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men!
He quenches the thirst of the thirsty, and satiated with the best the hungry!
Afflicted and chained, living in the densest darkness
because they rebelled against the words of God, by disregarding the counsel of the Most High.
Subjected them to forced labor; Stumbled, and there was none to help.
In their distress they cried to the Lord, and he saved them from their distress.
Them out of the dark shadows and broke their chains in pieces.
Let them thank the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men!
He shatters the doors of bronze and breaks into pieces the iron bars!
Upset by his rebellion, distressed by their wickedness,
all food caused them disgusting.They arrived at the gates of death!
In their distress they cried to the Lord, and he saved them from their distress.
He sent his word and healed them and rescued them from the grave.
Let them thank the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men!
They offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, and tell of his works jubilant
They took to the sea in ships; To trade sailed many waters.
There, in the deep waters, they saw the works of the Lord and his wonders.
God spoke, and therefore a strong wind broke up the waves
who went up to heaven and down to the depths. Given the danger, they lost courage.
As drunk stumbled, staggered; Worth anything to them at their wits.
In their distress they cried to the Lord, and he brought them out of their distress.
Changed the storm to a whisper: the waves were hushed.
Calm Before that they were glad, and he guided them to their desired haven.
Let them thank the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men!
Let them exalt him in the assembly of the people!Praise him in the council of elders!
God turned rivers into a desert, springs into dry land,
fertile land in salt land, for the wickedness of its inhabitants.
He turned the desert into pools of water, dry land springs;
makes the hungry to dwell there, and they founded a livable city.
They sowed fields and planted vineyards, obtained abundant crops.
God blessed them and multiplied, and did not let their herds dwindle.
But if merman and humiliated, is by oppression, evil and distress.
God despises the nobility and makes them wander in a trackless waste.
But the needy out of its misery, and makes their families like flocks grow.
The upright see and rejoice, but all the wicked will be silenced.
Whoever is wise, let him understand these things and consider the great love of the Lord.
In the second reading
Mark all God's actions. For example: God spoke, God blessed, God turned, and so on.
Make all the actions of men.
Psalm 107: 1-3
The task of believers
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever.
Let them say the Lord's redeemed, whom he redeemed from the hand of the adversary,
who gathered from all lands, from east and west, north and south.
What is the task of the redeemed or believers in the first three verses?
The first three verses define the task of believers is to proclaim the greatness of the Lord. Let your friends know what the Lord has done for you. In other words, evangelizalos. How do we know this is the focus of Psalm? We know that the four groups of people describing Psalm start as unbelievers or rebels. They will not invoke the Lord, if they do not listen to Him (Romans 10:? 14-15 14 Now How can they call on him in whom they have not believed How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard And how can they hear without someone preaching to them 15 how can they preach unless they are sent so it is written? "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! ').
The following 4 paragraphs answer why the introduction.
What they have in common the 4 groups of people described before invoking the Lord in this Psalm?
Psalm 107: 4-10
1 First case: those who ignore God Psalm 107: 4-10
Wandered in desert places, without finding the way to a livable city.
Hungry and thirsty, life ebbed them.
In their distress they cried to the Lord, and he delivered them from their distress.
He took the right path until you reach a livable city.
Let them thank the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men!
He quenches the thirst of the thirsty, and satiated with the best the hungry!
This case presents no rebellion against God. People are living their own lives. Suddenly they are in a desert where there is no fruit or productivity in their lives.
The Psalm describes these "lost" or in the wrong place people. They were "without finding the way", without food and water. "Life was eating them." In other words they were very needy. The anguish led to "cry unto the Lord."
Analyzes the situation of the following three groups. What leads them to cry out to God?
Psalm 107: 11-16
2 Second case: Those who rebel against God
Afflicted and chained, living in the densest darkness
because they rebelled against the words of God, by disregarding the counsel of the Most High.
Subjected them to forced labor; Stumbled, and there was none to help.
In their distress they cried to the Lord, and he saved them from their distress.
Them out of the dark shadows and broke their chains in pieces.
Let them thank the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men!
He shatters the doors of bronze and breaks into pieces the iron bars!
3 Third case: Those who rebel against God with iniquity Psalm 107: 17-22
Upset by his rebellion, distressed by their wickedness,
all food caused them disgusting.They arrived at the gates of death!
In their distress they cried to the Lord, and he saved them from their distress.
He sent his word and healed them and rescued them from the grave.
Let them thank the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men!
They offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, and tell of his works jubilant
Fourth case: Traders who come to forget God Psalm 107: 23-32
They took to the sea in ships; To trade sailed many waters.
There, in the deep waters, they saw the works of the Lord and his wonders.
God spoke, and therefore a strong wind broke up the waves
who went up to heaven and down to the depths. Given the danger, they lost courage.
As drunk stumbled, staggered; Worth anything to them at their wits.
In their distress they cried to the Lord, and he brought them out of their distress.
Changed the storm to a whisper: the waves were hushed.
Calm Before that they were glad, and he guided them to their desired haven.
Let them thank the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men!
Let them exalt him in the assembly of the people!Praise him in the council of elders!
Notes on Psalm 107: 4-32
The four cases have some common elements.
The four cases presented distressed people with whom God is speaking ..
After watching all four cases, we have the conclusions expressed by the Psalmist.
Conclusions of the psalmist:
God turned rivers into a desert, springs into dry land,
fertile land in salt land, for the wickedness of its inhabitants.
He turned the desert into pools of water, dry land springs;
makes the hungry to dwell there, and they founded a livable city.
They sowed fields and planted vineyards, obtained abundant crops.
God blessed them and multiplied, and did not let their herds dwindle.
But if merman and humiliated, is by oppression, evil and distress.
God despises the nobility and makes them wander in a trackless waste.
But the needy out of its misery, and makes their families like flocks grow.
The upright see and rejoice, but all the wicked will be silenced.
How God causes anxiety?
The four cases Psalm 107 presents not express all that God does to cause "anguish". He has his armies to do so and His only His armies not only people but also their enemies. If only his people were his armies, would not cause much distress. It has other functions for us, particulamente function to announce their redemption or salvation.
In Habakkuk 1: 5-11 God announces Habakkuk that has its ready army, his army of Chaldeans. The Chaldeans were the enemies of the people of Judah, ie, enemies of God's people. But the Chaldeans had the task of imposing justice on God's people. God is active in imposing justice. We must cry out to God for justice. When Habakkuk realized the injustice of God's people, he became "distressed". God imposes the "anxiety" that people arrepenta and he cries out to him for mercy.
Notes on Psalm 107: 33-43
The only actor in the conclusions is God. This indicates that God is active.
Straight respond to the actions of God with joy.
The voice of God determines the fate of men.
God is calling people in "trouble". In cases 2, 3, and 4 this "distress" is caused by God.
God calls people to trust Him.
It is not healthy to have God as an enemy.
Do we find a similar post in other books of the Bible?
Habakkuk complains about the "injustice" (Habakkuk 1: 1-4) in Judah shortly before the invasion of the Babylonians. God replies that he is responding to the injustices of men in Judea. It's going to lead to a total "anguish" where he sent into exile. Proud people have idols and despises his neighbor robbing their land, founding a town with blood, and your neighbor (Habakkuk 2: 7-19) tease. Habakkuk shows remorse when he says, "in thy righteousness, remember mercy" (Habakkuk 3: 1-3 Nebuchadnezzar is called "servant of the Lord" and his army "my army" in Jeremiah.).
In Judges (Judges 2: find a cycle)
people forget God and fall into sin,
God commands them to trial where their enemies are subject.
People in their distress cries to God.
God raises up a judge who delivers them from their enemies and
people serve God as the judge lives (Judges 2: 11-21).
Nebuchadnezzar is a Babylonian king who was commissioned of God to remove Jews from its territory in Jerusalem. In Jeremiah Nebuchadnezzar is called "servant of the Lord" to destroy the unfaithful to his knees (Jeremiah 25: 9, 27: 6 and 43:10) people. God used to cause anguish and repentance called the army of Nebuchadnezzar His army in Habakkuk (1: 5-11). The Revelation uses Babylon as symbol of evil.
God uses trouble and makes his words susceptible people and they will cry out for salvation.
These findings, along with the 4 cases presented indicate that we always have to think that anxiety can be caused by God when he calls his people.
To evangelize people need to look at where God is planting "trouble".
"It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick. And I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners "(Mark 2:17, NIV).
Final exhortation
Psalm 107: 43
Whoever is wise, let him understand these things and consider the great love of the Lord.
The purpose of this blog is to teach the Bible. This is what we do and if you would like to help, contact us.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Tito: una guía de lecturaTitus: A Reading Guide
Presentación :
Esta carta esta escrito casi al final de la vida de Pablo entre 62 y 63 d.This letter was written near the end of Paul's life between 62 and 63 A.D. C. Paul's goal is to see that the church continues after his death. Necesita levanta misiones en todas partes que pueden continuar. The infant church needed strengthening so that missionary work everywhere could continue.
Tito es un libro como las cartas a Timoteo que busca establecer “orden” en las iglesias.Titus is a book, like the letters to Timothy, that seeks to establish "order" in the churches. Como todos se pueden dar cuenta ver la es muy complicado dirigir una iglesia. As everyone can see, it is no easy matter to lead a church and, in fact, can be downright complicated. The letters to Timothy and Titus are for people responsible for the direction of a Christian community or church.
A diferencia de 1 Timoteo, Tito esta escrito a un pastor donde no había una iglesia previa.A difference between 1 Timothy and Titus is that the latter was written to a pastor where there was a previous church. 1 Timoteo estaba escrito a una iglesia que ya existía por más de 10 años. 1 Timothy was written to a church that had already existed for over 10 years.
También estas cartas están escritos cerca de la muerte de Pablo como 1 y 2 de Pedro y 1, 2 y 3 de Juan, Judas y Santiago son cercanos a la muerte de estos líderes cristianos.These letters were written close to the time of Paul's death as 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2 and 3 John, Jude and James were written close to the deaths of these other Christian leaders. Estas cartas se enfocan en lo que estos líderes pensaban era la esencia de la fe cristiana. These letters focus on what these leaders thought was the essence of the Christian faith.
Pablo envió a Tito a la misión para establecer orden en la iglesia de Creta, una isla al sur de Atenas.Paul sent Titus to the mission field to establish order in the church of Crete, an island south of Athens.
Hay tres tipos de información en la carta: 1.There are three types of information in the letter: 1. Lo que los cristianos creemos, 2. What Christians believe, 2. Lo que Tito debe hacer en la iglesia de Creta. What Titus should do in the church of Crete, 3.3. Advertencias. Warnings.
Bosquejo :Outline:
Presentación :
Esta carta esta escrito casi al final de la vida de Pablo entre 62 y 63 d.This letter was written near the end of Paul's life between 62 and 63 A.D. C. Paul's goal is to see that the church continues after his death. Necesita levanta misiones en todas partes que pueden continuar. The infant church needed strengthening so that missionary work everywhere could continue.
Tito es un libro como las cartas a Timoteo que busca establecer “orden” en las iglesias.Titus is a book, like the letters to Timothy, that seeks to establish "order" in the churches. Como todos se pueden dar cuenta ver la es muy complicado dirigir una iglesia. As everyone can see, it is no easy matter to lead a church and, in fact, can be downright complicated. The letters to Timothy and Titus are for people responsible for the direction of a Christian community or church.
A diferencia de 1 Timoteo, Tito esta escrito a un pastor donde no había una iglesia previa.A difference between 1 Timothy and Titus is that the latter was written to a pastor where there was a previous church. 1 Timoteo estaba escrito a una iglesia que ya existía por más de 10 años. 1 Timothy was written to a church that had already existed for over 10 years.
También estas cartas están escritos cerca de la muerte de Pablo como 1 y 2 de Pedro y 1, 2 y 3 de Juan, Judas y Santiago son cercanos a la muerte de estos líderes cristianos.These letters were written close to the time of Paul's death as 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2 and 3 John, Jude and James were written close to the deaths of these other Christian leaders. Estas cartas se enfocan en lo que estos líderes pensaban era la esencia de la fe cristiana. These letters focus on what these leaders thought was the essence of the Christian faith.
Pablo envió a Tito a la misión para establecer orden en la iglesia de Creta, una isla al sur de Atenas.Paul sent Titus to the mission field to establish order in the church of Crete, an island south of Athens.
Hay tres tipos de información en la carta: 1.There are three types of information in the letter: 1. Lo que los cristianos creemos, 2. What Christians believe, 2. Lo que Tito debe hacer en la iglesia de Creta. What Titus should do in the church of Crete, 3.3. Advertencias. Warnings.
Bosquejo :Outline:
- Salutation (Titus 1:1-3)
- The task of Titus (Titus 1:4-16)
- What to teach (Titus 2:1-15)
- The conduct of a believer (Titus 3:1-11)
- Final personal greetings (Titus 3:12-15)
Exposición :Exposition:
Salutación (Tito 1:1-3)
Salutation (Titus
Inserto de doctrina:
Nuestra esperanza es la vida eterna, la cual Dios, que no miente, ya había
prometido antes de la fundación de la creación.Doctrine
Doctrine: Our hope is eternal life, which God, who cannot
lie, promised before the foundation of creation. ahora a su debido tiempo, ha cumplido esta promesa mediante la
predicación que se me ha confiado por orden de Dios nuestro Salvador (Tito
1:2-3). Now, in due time, this has been fulfilled through the preaching
entrusted to me by God our Savior. (Titus 1:2-3)
La tarea de Tito (Tito
task of Titus (Titus 1:4-16)
Pablo manda Tito para establecer orden en la iglesia.Paul commands Titus to establish order in the church. El problema en la iglesia es el liderazgo. The problem in the church is leadership. La falta de líderes resulta en que la falsa enseñanza se va en aumento. The lack of leadership has resulted in the increase of false teaching. Esto esta resuelto en dos acciones que Tito ha de tomar. This is solved by two actions that Titus must take. Primero, tiene que establecer el liderazgo en la iglesia por el nombramiento de “ancianos”. First, he must establish leadership in the church by the appointment of "elders." Los requicitos son de que los líderes deben tener cierta madurez en sus personas, es decir, que sean intachables, como reflejado en la conducta de sus familias. The requirements are that leaders should have some maturity in their persons, and, that they may be blameless. Such maturity in the faith should be reflected in the behavior of their families.
Los líderes (ancianos) también debe ser capaces de enseñar la “sana doctrina”.Leaders (elders) should also be able to teach "sound doctrine." Hoy vivimos en un tiempo donde se desprecian la doctrina. Today we live in a time where doctrine is neglected. Esto abre la puerta a los falsos. This opens the door to much false teaching. Ciertamente esto describe la situación hoy en día. Certainly this describes the situation today.
Segundo, es la tarea de enfrontar los falsos y “taparles la boca”.Second, it is necessary to confront the false teachers and "shut their mouths." Cuando se pierde el balance en el liderazgo en la iglesia se desata muchos males. When balance is lost in church leadership, many evils are unleashed. La consecuencia de la falta de líderes capaces es la promulgación de de la falsa doctrina y practicas de charlatanes y engañadores Esto tiene la consecuencia de “arruinar” vidas (Tito 1:11). The consequence of the lack of capable leaders is the promulgation of false doctrine and practices of charlatans and deceivers. This has the result of "ruining" lives (Titus 1:11). Así vemos la importancia de la formación de líderes. Thus we see the importance of leadership training.
Pablo manda Tito para establecer orden en la iglesia.Paul commands Titus to establish order in the church. El problema en la iglesia es el liderazgo. The problem in the church is leadership. La falta de líderes resulta en que la falsa enseñanza se va en aumento. The lack of leadership has resulted in the increase of false teaching. Esto esta resuelto en dos acciones que Tito ha de tomar. This is solved by two actions that Titus must take. Primero, tiene que establecer el liderazgo en la iglesia por el nombramiento de “ancianos”. First, he must establish leadership in the church by the appointment of "elders." Los requicitos son de que los líderes deben tener cierta madurez en sus personas, es decir, que sean intachables, como reflejado en la conducta de sus familias. The requirements are that leaders should have some maturity in their persons, and, that they may be blameless. Such maturity in the faith should be reflected in the behavior of their families.
Los líderes (ancianos) también debe ser capaces de enseñar la “sana doctrina”.Leaders (elders) should also be able to teach "sound doctrine." Hoy vivimos en un tiempo donde se desprecian la doctrina. Today we live in a time where doctrine is neglected. Esto abre la puerta a los falsos. This opens the door to much false teaching. Ciertamente esto describe la situación hoy en día. Certainly this describes the situation today.
Segundo, es la tarea de enfrontar los falsos y “taparles la boca”.Second, it is necessary to confront the false teachers and "shut their mouths." Cuando se pierde el balance en el liderazgo en la iglesia se desata muchos males. When balance is lost in church leadership, many evils are unleashed. La consecuencia de la falta de líderes capaces es la promulgación de de la falsa doctrina y practicas de charlatanes y engañadores Esto tiene la consecuencia de “arruinar” vidas (Tito 1:11). The consequence of the lack of capable leaders is the promulgation of false doctrine and practices of charlatans and deceivers. This has the result of "ruining" lives (Titus 1:11). Así vemos la importancia de la formación de líderes. Thus we see the importance of leadership training.
Lo que se debe enseñar
(Tito 2:1-15)What to teach (Titus 2:1-15)
Pablo esta preocupado con toda la iglesia no solo el liderazgo.Paul is concerned not only with church leadership. La base de lo que sucede en la iglesia es la “sana doctrina”. Sound doctrine must be the basis of what happens in the church. When such doctrine is preached, the different aspects of the church should work correctly.
All those who comprise the church, older Ancianos y ancianas; jóvenes y esclavos cumplen sus and women, younger men and women, and slaves, have duties to perform.
Pablo esta preocupado con toda la iglesia no solo el liderazgo.Paul is concerned not only with church leadership. La base de lo que sucede en la iglesia es la “sana doctrina”. Sound doctrine must be the basis of what happens in the church. When such doctrine is preached, the different aspects of the church should work correctly.
All those who comprise the church, older Ancianos y ancianas; jóvenes y esclavos cumplen sus and women, younger men and women, and slaves, have duties to perform.
Inserto de doctrina:
Dios ha manifestado a toda la humanidad su gracia, la cual trae salvación y nos
enseña a rechazar la impiedad y las pasiones mundanas.Doctrine: God has appeared to all
mankind revealing his grace which brings
salvation. It teaches us to deny
ungodliness and worldly passions. así
podremos vivir en este mundo con justicia, piedad y dominio propio, mientras
aguardamos la bendita esperanza, es decir, la gloriosa venida de nuestro gran
Dios y Salvador Jesucristo. Instead, we can live in this world with
righteousness, piety and self-control, as we await the blessed hope, that is,
the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. El se entregó por nosotros para rescatarnos
de toda maldad y purificar para sí un pueblo elegido, dedicado a hacer el bien
(Tito 2:11-14). He gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness
and to purify for himself a people dedicated to doing good (Titus 2:11-14).
“Esto es lo que debes enseñar” (Tito 2:15)."This is what you should teach" (Titus 2:15).
“Esto es lo que debes enseñar” (Tito 2:15)."This is what you should teach" (Titus 2:15).
La conducta de un creyente
(Tito 3:1-11)The conduct of a believer (Titus 3:1-11)
Aquí tenemos una exhortación a sumisión a las autoridades civiles y luega una exhortación a buenas obras.Here is an exhortation to submit to civil authorities, and then an exhortation to good works towards all men.
Aquí tenemos una exhortación a sumisión a las autoridades civiles y luega una exhortación a buenas obras.Here is an exhortation to submit to civil authorities, and then an exhortation to good works towards all men.
Inserto de doctrina:
“En otro tiempo también nosotros éramos necios y desobedientes.Doctrine: "At one time we too were foolish and disobedient.
Estábamos descarriados y éramos
esclavos de todo género de pasiones y placeres. We were misled and
enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. Vivíamos en la malicia y en la envidia. We lived in malice
and envy, bÉramos detestables y nos
odiábamos unos a otros.4 Pero cuando se manifestaron la bondad y el amor de
Dios nuestro Salvador,5 él nos salvó, no por nuestras propias obras de justicia
sino por su misericordia.eing hated and hating one another. 4 But when the kindness and love of God our
Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not by our own works of righteousness, but according
to his mercy. Nos salvó mediante el lavamiento de la regeneración y de la
renovación por el Espíritu Santo,6 el cual fue derramado abundantemente sobre
nosotros por medio de Jesucristo nuestro Salvador.7 Así lo hizo para que,
justificados por su gracia, llegáramos a ser herederos que abrigan la esperanza
de recibir la vida eterna” (Tito 3:3-8). He saved us through the washing
of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us
generously through Jesus Christ our Savior,
7 so that being justified by his grace, we might become heirs harboring
the hope of eternal life (Titus 3:3-8).
En seguida hace la afirmación de que este mensaje es
digno de confianza.Paul makes the claim that this message is trustworthy. Es decir que el evangelio es verdad.
That is to say, the gospel is true.
Luego continua con otra exhortación de evitar “necias controversias” que no son de provecho.Then continues another exhortation to avoid "foolish controversies" that are not profitable.
Instrucciones personales y saludos finales (Tito 3:12-15)Final personal greetingsFinal personal greetings (Titus 3:12-15)
La carta termina con instrucciones acerca de detalles de la vida de Pablo, Tito y otros que les iban a ver.The letter ends with detailed instructions regarding Paul and his relationships to Titus and others whom he was shortly going to see. También hay una nota de que deben aprender también en como realizar el trabajo en la misión de Jesús y no llevar una vida inútil. There is also a note that they must learn how to perform the works of a missionary of Jesus and not lead a useless life.
Observaciones sobre los “Insertos de doctrina”Comments on "Doctrine"
Luego continua con otra exhortación de evitar “necias controversias” que no son de provecho.Then continues another exhortation to avoid "foolish controversies" that are not profitable.
Instrucciones personales y saludos finales (Tito 3:12-15)Final personal greetingsFinal personal greetings (Titus 3:12-15)
La carta termina con instrucciones acerca de detalles de la vida de Pablo, Tito y otros que les iban a ver.The letter ends with detailed instructions regarding Paul and his relationships to Titus and others whom he was shortly going to see. También hay una nota de que deben aprender también en como realizar el trabajo en la misión de Jesús y no llevar una vida inútil. There is also a note that they must learn how to perform the works of a missionary of Jesus and not lead a useless life.
Observaciones sobre los “Insertos de doctrina”Comments on "Doctrine"
- It clearly indicates that Jesus is Savior and God.
- It indicates that we are all sinners without hope apart from Jesus.
- It indicates that God's plan was conceived before the creation of the world.
- Salvation was promised in the Old Testament.
- Salvation is of the Holy Spirit.
- Justification is the result of grace.
- Our hope is to receive eternal life and become heirs with Christ.
- It does not say that we have to do only what Jesus did.
- David F. Burt, Why do we need pastors?, Scaffolding.
- David F. Burt, Adorning the Doctrine of God, Scaffolding.
- Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart, "Titus" in How to Read the Bible book by book, Life.
- William Hendriksen, "Titus" in New Testament Commentary, Baker Books.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
The Gospel according to Mark
según Marcos: Guía de lecturaGospel of Mark: Reading Guide
Autor :Author:
At first, Marcos primero era compañero de Pablo, hasta el concilio de Jerusalén.Mark was Paul's companion up until the Council of Jerusalem. Por la condición de algún familiar Pablo no le dejo seguir en la misión con él. Possibly the condition of a family member of Mark’s decided Paul against taking Mark with him on his next mission journey. This caused the separation of Paul and Barnabas. Marcos se juntó con Bernabé y continua en la misión de extender el evangelio. Mark joined with Barnabas and continued in the mission of spreading the gospel.
La tradición relata que Marcos tomó su evangelio de Pedro.Tradition relates that Mark took his gospel from Peter. David Alan Black indicates the possibility that Peter went to Rome and gave talks about the gospel. Marcos estaba allí y tomó las conferencias que Pedro dio en dictado. Mark was there and took notes from Peter’s lectures. Las conferencias de Pedro terminaron en Marcos 16:8 y Marcos mismo escribió los últimos versículos para terminar su evangelio. P{{{ Peter’s lectures ended in Mark 16:8 and Mark himself wrote the last few verses to end his gospel. It’s a bit of a stretch but a possibility to suggest the gospel source.
De que Marcos toma el evangelio de la perspectiva de Pedro esta sostenido por el narrativo en Marcos.In Mark's gospel, Peter’s perspective is seemingly supported by the narrative. Pedro recibe mucha más atención en Marcos que los otros discípulos: Peter gets a lot more attention than the other disciples in Mark
At first, Marcos primero era compañero de Pablo, hasta el concilio de Jerusalén.Mark was Paul's companion up until the Council of Jerusalem. Por la condición de algún familiar Pablo no le dejo seguir en la misión con él. Possibly the condition of a family member of Mark’s decided Paul against taking Mark with him on his next mission journey. This caused the separation of Paul and Barnabas. Marcos se juntó con Bernabé y continua en la misión de extender el evangelio. Mark joined with Barnabas and continued in the mission of spreading the gospel.
La tradición relata que Marcos tomó su evangelio de Pedro.Tradition relates that Mark took his gospel from Peter. David Alan Black indicates the possibility that Peter went to Rome and gave talks about the gospel. Marcos estaba allí y tomó las conferencias que Pedro dio en dictado. Mark was there and took notes from Peter’s lectures. Las conferencias de Pedro terminaron en Marcos 16:8 y Marcos mismo escribió los últimos versículos para terminar su evangelio. P{{{ Peter’s lectures ended in Mark 16:8 and Mark himself wrote the last few verses to end his gospel. It’s a bit of a stretch but a possibility to suggest the gospel source.
De que Marcos toma el evangelio de la perspectiva de Pedro esta sostenido por el narrativo en Marcos.In Mark's gospel, Peter’s perspective is seemingly supported by the narrative. Pedro recibe mucha más atención en Marcos que los otros discípulos: Peter gets a lot more attention than the other disciples in Mark
El llamamiento de Simón (Pedro)
(Marcos 1: 16-18). The calling of Simon (Peter) (Mark 1:16-18)
La sanidad de su suegra de Simón
(Pedro) (Marcos 1:29-34). The healing of the mother of Simon (Peter) (Mark 1:29-34)
Simón (Pedro) y compañeros buscan a
Jesús (Marcos 1:36). Simon (Peter) and company seek Jesus (Mark 1:36)
Jesús nombra a los doce que incluía
Simón (a quién le puso por nombre Pedro) (Marcos 3:16). Jesus appointed twelve that included
Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter) (Mark 3:16)
Pedro entra con Jesús a ver la hija
de Jairo (Marcos 5:37). Peter comes with Jesus to see the daughter of Jairus (Mark
La confesión de Pedro (Marcos 8:29) Confession of Peter (Mark
La negación por parte de Pedro de
la muerte de Jesús (Marcos 8:32-33). Denial by Peter of Jesus' death (Mark 8:32-33)
Pedro sube el monte de
transfiguración con Jesús y Pedro propone la construcción de 3 enramadas
(Marcos 9:2-13) Peter climbs Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus and Peter proposes to
build 3 tabernacles (Mark 9:2-13)
Pedro responde a Jesús que “hemos
dejado todo” (Marcos 10:28). Peter answered Jesus, "We have left everything"
(Mark 10:28)
Pedro observa que la higuera
maldecido esta seco (Marcos 11:21).Peter notes that the cursed fig tree is dry (Mark
Pedro pregunta “¿Cuando sucederá
esto?” (Marcos 13:3-4).Peter asks, "When will this happen?" (Mark 13:3-4)
Pedro afirma que no va a apartarse
de Jesús (Marcos 14:29 y 31).Peter says he will not depart from Jesus (Mark 14:29, 31)
Pedro acompaña a Jesús a Getsemaní
(Marcos 14:33).Peter accompanies Jesus to Gethsemane (Mark 14:33)
Pedro se duerme en Getsemaní
(Marcos 14:37).Peter was sleeping in Gethsemane (Mark 14:37)
Se corta la oreja del siervo del
sumo sacerdote (Marcos 14:47).The ear of the servant of the high priest is cut (Mark 14:47)
Pedro sigue de lejos a Jesús hasta
la casa del sumo sacerdote (Marcos 14:54).Peter follows Jesus away to the high
priest (Mark 14:54)
Pedro niega a Jesús tres veces
(Marcos 14:66-72).Peter denies Jesus three times (Mark 14:66-72)
El ángel manda un saludo a los
discípulos ya Pedro (Marcos 16:7).Angel sends a greeting to the disciples and Peter
(Mark 16:7)
Es posible que Marcos sea el joven que huyó del arresto de Jesús sin ropa (Marcos 14:51-52).Mark may be the young man who fled without clothes during the arrest of Jesus. (Mark 14:51-52) Amos 2:16 indica que un joven trepido huirá desnudo en este día. Amos 2:16 states that a frightened young man will flee away naked in that day. Este “joven trepido” es la misma palabra que Marcos usa para el joven. This "young fearful one" is the same word used for the young Mark.
La fecha en que escribió el evangelio era entre 50 y 55.The date the gospel was written is likely between 50 and 55. Esto hace que Marcos es el segundo evangelio de estar escrito después de Mateo. This makes Mark the second Gospel to be written after Matthew.
Marcos esta escrito a los gentiles romanos.Mark is writing to Gentiles in Rome. Ellos no tienen el trasfondo judío por tanto no hay referencias al Antiguo Testamento como en el caso de Mateo. They have no Jewish background; hence, no references (in Mark) to the Old Testament as in the case of Matthew. La cultura latina esta más enfocado a la acción, por tanto Marcos se enfoca su argumento más en las acciones de Jesús que en su discurso. The Latin culture is more focused on action, therefore in his argument Mark focuses on the actions of Jesus and less on His speech.
Tema :Topic:
Según Rico Tice, pastor de evangelismo, All Souls, Londres, Marcos presenta tres temas que se puede ver en todos Marcos.According to Rico Tice, pastor of evangelism, All Souls, London, Mark presents three issues that can be seen in all themes. Estos temas son: These themes are:
- La identidad de Jesús.The identity of Jesus
- La misión de Jesús.The mission of Jesus
- El llamado de Jesús o que pide Jesús de los que le siguen.The call of Jesus
La presentación del Mesías (Marcos 1:1-15)The presentation of the Messiah (Mark 1:1-15)
Marcos indica que su concepción del evangelio esta tomado de Isaías.Mark indicates that his conception of the gospel is taken from Isaiah. La descripción del Mesías viene de Isaías. The description of the Messiah comes from Isaiah. Uno tiene que comprender Isaías para comprender a Marcos. One has to have a fair understanding of Isaiah to understand Mark.
¿Qué iba a suceder en la edad mesiánica?What would happen in the Messianic age? Primero, hace un vinculo con el libro de Isaías y la llegada de de la era mesiánico. First, make a link to the book of Isaiah and the coming of the Messianic era. Isaías indica que va a haber un nuevo éxodo, un nuevo camino, un nuevo pueblo compuesto de todas las naciones. Isaiah indicates that there will be a new exodus, a new path, a new compound people from all nations. Marcos toma esta tema en el principio de su evangelio. Mark deals with this issue in the beginning of his gospel. Las “buenas nuevas” mencionadas por primera vez en Isaías 52:7 conectan Marcos con la era mesiánica. The "good news" was first mentioned in Isaiah 52:7 and Mark connected this with the Messianic era.
Este relación con Isaías continua con la predicación de Juan el Bautista que está relacionada con Isaías 40:1-11.This relationship with Isaiah (Is. 40:1-11) continues in the preaching of John the Baptist. “Preparan en el desierto camino al Señor, hagan derechas Sus sendas” (Marcos 1:3). "Prepare in the wilderness the way of the Lord, make his paths straight" (Mark 1:3). Juan aparece como el nuevo Elías (Malaquías 4:5 cf. Marcos 9:9-13 ) que bautice a Jesús. John appears as the new Elijah (Malachi 4:5 cf. Mark 9:9-13) to baptize Jesus. En el bautismo una voz del cielo dice “Tú eres mi hijo amado” (Salmo 2:7 que indica que Jesús es el Hijo de David, ver también Génesis 22:2) y “en quien Mi alma se complace” (Isaías 42:1 indicado el Siervo del Señor). In this baptism a voice from heaven said, "You are my beloved son" (Psalm 2:7 indicates that Jesus is the Son of David, see also Genesis 22:2) and "in whom My soul delights" (Isaiah 42: 1 indicated the Servant of the Lord). De esta manera Jesús es identificado como el Mesías. Thus Jesus is identified as the Messiah.
Jesús asume el papel de Israel pasando por las aguas (bautismo y Mar Rojo) y va al desierto donde esta cuidado por los ángeles.Jesus assumes the role of Israel through water (baptism and the Red Sea) and the wilderness where he is cared for by angels. Allí está tentado como los Israelitas en el desierto. There He is tempted like the Israelites in the desert. (Mateo también capta esta relación citando Oseas 11:1 “de Egipto he llamado a Mi Hijo”). (Matthew also captures this relationship quoting Hosea 11:1 "Out of Egypt I called My Son.")
Isaías dice “¡Oh, si rasgaras los cielos y descendieras!Isaiah says, "Oh, that You would rend the heavens and come down!” (Isaías 64:1). (Isaiah 64:1) Marcos dice que Jesús ha rasgado los cielos y ha descendido. Mark says that Jesus has rent the heavens and has come down. “Los cielos se abrían” es “rasgaron” en griego. "The heavens were opened" is "ripped" in Greek. Jesús es Dios mismo que ha rasgado los cielos y descendido. Jesus is God himself who has rent the heavens and come down.
Jesús inicia su predicación, después de que Juan esta encarcelado, con el anuncio de que “el tiempo esta cumplido” y el Reino de Dios esta presente (Marcos 1:14-15).Jesus begins his preaching, after John is imprisoned, with the announcement that "the time is fulfilled" and the Kingdom of God is present. (Mark 1:14-15) Jesús esta diciendo que las profecías del Antiguo Testamento están cumpliendo y la era mesiánico esta iniciando. Jesus is saying that the Old Testament prophecies were being fulfilled and the messianic era was beginning. Este reino esta conectada con las profecías con la era mesiánica (Reino de Dios) del Antiguo Testamento. This kingdom is connected with the messianic prophecies era (Kingdom of God) of the Old Testament.
La identificación de Jesús (Marcos 1:16-8:30)The identification of Jesus (Mark 1:16 to 8:30)
Marcos usa varios métodos para identificar a Jesús como el Mesías.Mark uses several methods to identify Jesus as the Messiah.
Primero, Jesús hace milagros mostrando que es divino y que esta cumpliendo las profecías de Isaías.First, Jesus does miracles pointing to His divinity while at the same time fulfilling the prophecies of Isaiah. Marcos presenta a Jesús realizando lo que Isaías 61 había profetizado, así mostrando la identidad de Jesús como el Mesías. Mark presents Jesus doing what Isaiah had prophesied in Isaiah 61, showing the identity of Jesus as the Messiah. En este contexto Jesús sana a los enfermos (Marcos 1:29-34; 2:1-11; 3:1-6), leprosos (Marcos 1:40-45), ciegos (Marcos 8:22-26), endemoniados (Marcos 1:21-28; 3:20-30; 5:1-20), perdona pecados, que causa oposisión (Marcos 2:1-11), sana el el Sábado (Marcos 3:1-6) provocando su rechazo por los religiosos. In this context Jesus heals the sick (Mark 1:29-34, 2:1-11, 3:1-6), the lepers (Mark 1:40-45), the blind (Mark 8:22-26), the possessed (Mark 1:21-28, 3:20-30, 5:1-20), forgives sins thus causing opposition (Mark 2:1-11), and heals on the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-6) causing His rejection by the religious rulers.
La el principio de la oposisión a Jesús (Marcos 1:27-35)Opposition as a principle of Jesus’ mission (Mark 1:27-35)
No todos vieron bien la misión de Jesús.Not everyone saw the mission of Jesus in a positive light. Algunos empezaron a murmurar desde el principio de su ministerio (Marcos 1:27-28). Some began to murmur from the beginning of his ministry (Mark 1:27-28). La segunda queja era que estaba blasfemando (Marcos 2:6-7). The second complaint was that it was blasphemy (Mark 2:6-7). Luego se quejaron que estaba asociandos con pecadores (Marcos 2:13-17), que no estaba ayunando (Marcos 2:18-22) que estaba violando la ley (Marcos 2:24), y que no respetaba el día de reposo (Marcos 3:1-6). Then they complained that He was associating with sinners (Mark 2:13-17), he was not fasting (Mark 2:18-22), that He was breaking the law (Mark 2:24), and did not respect the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-6). Jesús retaba muchas tradiciones del pueblo. Jesus challenged many traditions of the people. Los que opusieron a Jesús también incluía a su propia familia (Marcos 3:31-35). Those who opposed Jesus also included his own family. (Mark 3:31-35)
En medio de todas estas actividades Jesús nombra a 12 Apóstoles.Amidst all these activities Jesus named 12 Apostles. Esta iniciando un nuevo pueblo. The 12 apostles are parallel to the 12 patriarchs. Esto es el inicio de un nuevo pueblo de Dios. This is the beginning of a new people of God from all nations as was promised to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3).
Jesús también trataba de poner su ministerio en perspectiva.Jesus also tried to put his ministry in perspective. Los discipulos vieron que su ministerio iba de más a menos, es decir, que era muy popular en el principio y que la oposisión a su persona y enseñanza iba creciendo. The disciples saw that his ministry was moving from more to less, i.e. it was very popular in the beginning and opposition to His person and teaching grew. Para logra que sus discípulos entendiera, Jesús relataba varias parabolas. To achieve His goal, He taught in parables and His disciples began to understand as Jesus recounted several parables. Estas parabolas mostraban que Jesús estaba sembrando y el resultado era segura aunque no se veía los resultados inmediatamente (Marcos 4:1-32). These parables showed that Jesus was sowing and the result was certain though immediate results (Mark 4:1-32) were not seen.
La pedagogía de Jesús (Marcos 4:33-34)The teaching of Jesus (Mark 4:33-34)
Marcos observó la pedagogía de Jesús, “...Mark noted the teaching of Jesus, "... les hablaba la palabra, según podían oírla” (Marcos 4: 33-34). spoke the word to them, as they could hear" (Mark 4: 33-34).
La soberanía de Jesús (Marcos 4:35-5:43)Sovereignty of Jesus (Mark 4:35 to 5:43) Jesús muestra su soberanía sobre la naturaleza (Marcos 4:35-41), el demonio (Marcos 5:1-20), la enfermedad (Marcos 5: 25-34) y la muerte (Marcos 5:21-24 y 35-43). Jesus shows His sovereignty over nature (Mark 4:35-41), the devil (Mark 5:1-20), sickness (Mark 5: 25-34), and death (Mark 5:21-24; 35-43). Nada esta fuera de su control. Nothing is beyond His control.
Jesús regresa a su pueblo (Marcos 6:1-6)Jesus returns to his people (Mark 6:1-6)
Jesús regresa a su pueblo para encontrar que dudaban de él.Jesus returns to his village to find that they doubted him. No comprendían como Jesús que tenía sus hermanos y familiares allí podría hacer todas estas cosas y todo lo que él enseñaba. They saw that Jesus did miraculous works and made claims to divinity but they also saw that He had brothers, sisters and a mother so, “…they were offended at Him” (Mark 6:2-3). Jesus answered them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own country" (Mark 6:4).
Jesús envía a los 12 (Marcos 6:7-12)Jesus sends out the twelve (Mark 6:7-12)
Jesús siempre tiene en mente la visión grande de que su evangelio iba a llegar a todo el mundo.Jesus always has in mind the great vision that his gospel would reach around the world. En preparación para esta misión envía a los 12 en una misión similar pero a pequeña escala. In preparation for this mission, He sent the twelve on a similar mission albeit on a smaller scale. Les delega autoridad. He delegated authority and También hace que sus discipulos sean dependientes en los que recibieran su mensaje. made sure His disciples were dependent on those who received their message. También indica que no deben permanecer en lugares que les rechaza la gente. He also indicates that they should not stay in places where they were rejected.
La muerte de Juan, el bautista (Marcos 6:14-29)The death of John the Baptist (Mark 6:14-29)
Herodes, que era rey en esta región y era conocido por su fuerza violento con el pueblo.Herod was king in this region and was known for his violent temperament. También era un rey cuyo poder le había subido a la cabeza y pensaba que podría hacer lo que le daba la gana. He was also a king whose power had gone to his head and he thought he could do as he pleased. Sin embargo, Herodes era una persona inmoral. However, Herod was an immoral person. Se había juntado con la esposa de otro. He had joined with the wife of his brother. Juan, el bautista había predicado contra esta relación adultera. John the Baptist had preached against this adulterous affair. Esto le molestaba a su esposa y el resultado que Juan estaba encarcelado. This annoyed Herod’s wife with the result that John was imprisoned.
La muerte de Juan el bautista era el premio por un baile de la hija de la adultera.The death of John the Baptist was the prize for the dancing daughter of the adulteress. Así vemos el valor de la vida en una sociedad pecaminosa. Thus we see the value of walking carefully while living in a sinful society.
Dos secciones paralelos 6:31 a 7:36 y 8:1 al 30Two parallel sections 6:31 to 7:36 and 8:1 to 30
A.A. Jesús alimenta a los 5000 (Marcos 6:31-44) Jesus feeds the 5,000 (Mark 6:31-44)
Esta alimentación es paralelo a Juan 6.This section is parallel to John 6. Jesús es el pan que desciende del cielo. Jesus is the bread that comes down from heaven. Esto lo presenta como la segunda Moisés. Thus He is presented as the second Moses.
B.B. Cruzan el Mar y baja a tierra (Marcos 6:45-56) Crossing the Sea and back to land (Mark 6:45-56)
C.C. Conflicto con los fariseos (Marcos 7:1-18) Conflict with the Pharisees (Mark 7:1-18)
Dos citas de Isaías:Two quotes from Isaiah: “This people honor me with their lips,
Este pueblo con labios me honra, pero su corazón esta muy lejos de mi” (Marcos 7:6 de Isaías 29:13).but their heart is far from me” (Mark 7:6, Isaiah 29:13).
“Más en vano Me rinden culto, enseñando como doctrinas preceptos de hombres” (Marcos 7:7 de Isaías 29:13).:"But in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men" (Mark 7:7, Isaiah 29:13).
D.D. Conversación acerca del pan (Marcos 7:14-23) Talk about bread (Mark 7:14-23)
Ya no hay comida contaminada.This is no contaminated food. Todo lo podemos comer. All you can eat. Jesús dijo, “no hay nada fuera del hombre que al entrar en él pueda contaminarlo; sino que lo que sale de adentro del hombre es lo que contamina al hombre” (Marcos 7:15). Jesus said, "There is nothing outside a man which by going into him can defile him, but what comes from the inside of a man is what defiles him" (Mark 7:15).
Jesús sale de territorios judíos para evitar la oposión de los judíos.Jesus leaves the Jewish opposition territories to avoid those who seek His life. Va al norte a territorios gentiles. He goes north to Gentile territory.
Sanidades (Marcos 7:24-36)Healing (Mark 7:24-36)
La mujer Sirofenicia (Marcos 7:24-30).The Syro-Phoenician woman (Mark 7:24-30)
Un sordomudo (Marcos 7:31-37)A deaf and dumb man (Mark 7:31-37)
Aa.A. Jesús alimenta a los 4000 (Marcos 8:1-9) Jesus Feeds the 4000 (Mark 8:1-9)
Los discípulos no entienda a Jesús.The disciples did not understand Jesus.
Bb.B. Cruzan el Mar y baja a tierra (Marcos 8:10) Crossing the Sea and back to land (Mark 8:10)
Cc.C. Conflicto con los fariseos (Marcos 8:11-13) Conflict with the Pharisees (Mark 8:11-13)
Dd.D. Conversación acerca del pan (Marcos 8:14-21) Talk about bread (Mark 8:14-21)
Ee.E. Sanidades (Marcos 8:22-26) Healing (Mark 8:22-26)
Conclusión: La confesión de Pedro (Marcos 8:27-30)Conclusion: The confession of Peter (Mark 8:27-30)
Esta confesión de Pedro es la conclusión de la identidad de Jesús.This confession of Peter is the conclusion of the identity of Jesus. Los discípulos se dan cuenta de que Jesús es el Cristo. The disciples realize that Jesus is the Christ. Claro que este conocimiento es un don de Dios, ya que los otros testigos del ministerio de Jesús no se habían dado cuenta. Of course, this knowledge is a gift of God, as the other witnesses of Jesus' ministry had not noticed.
Principio de la segunda parte
Final de la primera parte de Marcos.End of the first part of Mark
En la segunda parte de Marcos el tono cambia por completo.In the second part of Mark the tone changes completely. Jesús enfatiza mucho que va a morir y resucitar. Jesus emphasizes much that He will die and resurrect. Los discípulos no le creen.The disciples did not believe him. Jesús también desarrolla el tema de ser discípulos de Jesús (que significa ser su seguidor, o ser cristiano). Jesus also develops the theme of them being His disciples, His followers, or Christians.
Jesús declara su intención de Morir (Marcos 8:31-33)Jesus declares His intention to die (Mark 8:31-33)
La respuesta de Jesús a la confesión de Pedro es que va a sufrir, morir y resucitar.Jesus' response to Peter's confession is that He is going to suffer, die and rise. Pedro de inmediato niega que esto sucederá. Peter immediately denies that this will happen. Esta intención de morir por parte de Jesús se repita tres veces (Marcos 8:31-33; 9:30-32 y 9:32-34). His intent to die is repeated by Jesus three times (Mark 8:31-33, 9:30-32 and 9:32-34). En cada repetición amplia más el conocimiento de lo que va a suceder en su muerte. Each repetition is more comprehensive than the last. From this time on Jesus turns to go to Jerusalem to die.
Jesús explica lo que tienen que hacer para ser su discípulo (Marcos 8:34-9:)Jesus explains what they have to do as His disciples (Mark 8:34-9)
A declara Jesús que iba a morir y en seguida hace la primera explicación de que significa su discípulo.Jesus declares that he would die and then makes the first explanation of what it means to be His disciple. Jesús indica que sus discípulos van a tener que seguir el mismo camino que él esta tomando. Jesus tells his disciples that they will have to follow the same path he is taking. Los requisitos de Jesús para ser un discípulo o ser un cristiano son 1. The requirements of Jesus to be a disciple or be a Christian are: 1) Negarse a si mismo, 2. Deny himself, 2) Tomar su cruz. Take up your cross y 3. Tomar la cruz significa que tenemos que ofrecer nuestras vidas a Él, A veces esto significa que morimos por su causa. Seguirle a Jesús.and, 3) Taking up your cross means that we have to offer our lives to Him, up to and including death. Whatever happens, follow Jesus. Ser un discípulo de Jesús es lo mismo de ser un simple cristiano (ver Mateo 28:16-20). Being a disciple of Jesus is the same as being a Christian (see Matthew 28:16-20). Hacer discípulos es el equivalente de evangelizar. Making disciples is the equivalent of evangelizing.
El Discípulo: lección 1 (Marcos 8:34-9:22)The Discipleship: Lesson 1 (Mark 8:34 to 9:22)
Los episodios que siguen enfatizan diferentes aspectos de que significa ser un discípulo también.The episodes that follow emphasize different aspects of what it means to be a disciple. Primero, el monte de transfiguración, donde una voz del cielo confirma que Jesús si es el profeta que iba a venir (Deuteronomio 18:15) y que los discípulos deben escucharle a él. First, on the mount of transfiguration, a voice from heaven confirms that Jesus is the prophet who was to come (Deuteronomy 18:15), and the disciples must listen to him.
Noten bien: Elias era Juan el Bautista.Note: John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah. No estamos esperando otro Elias. We are not expecting another Elias (Elijah).
El segundo evento era la expulsión de demonio difícil.The second event was the expulsion of a difficult demon. Los discípulos no podían expulsar el demonio. The disciples could not cast out the demon. Aparentemente pensaban que era por su propio poder, sin darse cuenta que solamente era el poder de Dios. Apparently they thought it was by using their own power, not realizing that it was only the power of God. “El confiar en el poder de Dios en el sentido que imaginamos o que tenemos este poder en nuestro control y esta a nuestro disposición, es igual que la incredulidad; porque esto es confiar en nosotros mismos en lugar de confiar en Dios” (CEB Cranfield, Marcos, Cambridge). "Trusting in the power of God in the sense that we imagine or have this power in our control as our provision is the same as unbelief: for this is to rely on ourselves instead of trusting God." (CEB Cranfield, Mark, Cambridge)
El segundo anuncio de la muerte de Jesús y su lección para los discipulos (Marcos 9:30-10:31).The second announcement of the death of Jesus and its lesson for the disciples (Mark 9:30 to 10:31)
Jesús anuncia su muerte y los discípulos salen discutiendo sobre su lugar en el reino de Dios.Jesus foretells his death and the disciples begin discussing their place in the kingdom of God. Ellos no tenían lo menor idea de lo que estaba hablando Jesús. They had not the slightest idea what Jesus was talking about. Jesús luego les explica que ser siervo es más importante que ser jefe. He then explains that being a servant is more important than being the boss.
No debemos impedir a otros anunciar el evangelio.We must not prevent others from preaching the gospel. Pero no debemos causar que la gente caigan en pecado. We should not cause anyone to fall into sin.
Ser siervos es el opuesto del joven rico que pensaba que andaba todo bien, pero no tenía humildad y amaba más a este mundo que a Jesús.Being servants is the opposite of the rich young man who thought himself so good but had no humility and loved this world’s goods more than Jesus.
Tercer anuncio de la muerte de Jesús y sus lecciones para el discípulo (Marcos 10:32-45).Third announcement of the death of Jesus and its lessons for the disciples (Mark 10:32-45)
Cada uno de estos tres anuncios cambia y amplia los detalles de la muerte de Jesús.Each of these three announcements introduces wide changes and more details of the death of Jesus. Los anuncios indican que Jesús sabía lo que le iba a suceder cuando llegara a Jerusalén. The signs indicate that Jesus knew what was going to happen when he got to Jerusalem.
Después del tercer anuncio los discípulos siguen discutiendo sobre su lugar en el Reino.After the third announcement the disciples were arguing about their place in the Kingdom. Jesús indica la importancia en el reino esta en servicio y no en autoridad. Jesus indicates their importance in the kingdom was not in service and authority but in service and sacrifice.
“Pero entre ustedes no es así, sino que cualquiera de ustedes que desee llegar a ser grande será su servidor."But among you it is not so; any of you who wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first shall be the servant of all” (Mark 10:43-44).
Al final de la respuesta a los discípulos sobre su importancia, Jesús aclara su misión.At the end of the answer to the disciples about their importance, Jesus clarifies His mission.
“Porque ni aun el Hijo del Hombre vino para ser servido, sino para servir y para dar Su vida en rescate por muchos (Marcos 10:45)."For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
Esta aclaración del libro de Marcos es que la misión de Jesús es de morir por los pecados de hombres (Marcos 10:44-45 ver Isaías 53).This clarification of the book of Mark is that Jesus' mission is to die for the sins of men (Mark 10:44-45 see Isaiah 53). Este es como el va a servir a los hombres. This is like going to serve men. Los discípulos deben seguir a Jesús y ser siervos de otros. The disciples must follow Jesus and become servants of others. Esto es el patrón para Sus discípulos. This is the pattern for His disciples.
Jesús va a Jerusalén para morir.Jesus is going to Jerusalem to die. El sabía a que iba. He knew it would happen.
Jesús sana el ciego Bartimeo (Marcos 10:46-52)Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52)
Bartimeo esta puesto en contraste con el joven rico.Bartimaeus is contrasted with the rich young man. Examina el texto para en contra todos los contrastes. Examine the text for all contrasts. Bartimeo, el que no veía, ya ve y acompaña a Jesús a Jerusalén. Bartimaeus, who could not see, is healed by Jesus and accompanies Him to Jerusalem.
La entrada triunfal (Marcos 11:1-11)The triumphal entry (Mark 11:1-11)
Jesús actua el papel del conquistador mesiánico que viene en paz (sobre un asno).Jesus acts the role of Messianic conqueror who comes in peace (on a donkey). Cuando Jesús pide un pollino esta cumpliendo la profecía de Zacarías 9:9-10: When Jesus asks for a colt, He is fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9-10:
“!Regocíjate sobremanera, hija de Sion!Rejoice
greatly, O daughter of Zion! ¡Da voces
de jubilo, hija de Jerusalén! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Tu rey viene a te, justo y dotado de
salvación, humilde, montado en un asno, en un pollino, hijo de asna.
Your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, lowly, and riding on a
donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Destruiré el carro de Efraín y el caballo de Jerusalén, y el arco de
guerra será destruido. Destroy the chariot from Ephraim and the horse
from Jerusalem, and the battle bow will be destroyed. El hablará paz a las naciones, y Su dominio será de mar a
mar, y desde el Río hasta los confines de la tierra (Zacarías 9:9-10).
He will speak peace to the nations, and His dominion shall be from sea to sea
and from the River to the ends of the earth.”
La gente responde cantando el Salmo 118:25-26:People respond singing Psalm 118:25-26, “Te rogamos, oh Señor, sálvanos ahora (hosana); te rogamos, oh Señor.We pray, O Lord, save us now (Hosanna), we pray, O Lord. Bendito el que viene el el nombre del Señor; desde la casa del Señor los bendecimos. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. From the house of the Lord we bless you.” Debemos notar que todo el Salmo 118 es mesiánico. We should note that all of Psalm 118 is Messianic.
La higuera estéril (Marcos 11:12-14 y 11:20-26)The barren fig tree (Mark 11:12-14 and 11:20-26)
Jesús pasa con hambre a un higuera que no tiene fruto y lo maldice.Jesus is hungry and goes to a fig tree that has no fruit. He curses the tree. Esto es una acción simbólica en que la higuera representa a Israel (Jeremías 8:13; 29:15-20; Oseas 9:10; Joel 1:7; Miqueas 7:1-7). This is a symbolic action whereby the fig tree represents Israel (Jeremiah 8:13; 29:15-20, Hosea 9:10; Joel 1:7, Micah 7:1-7). Esto significa que Jesús esta pronunciando una maldición sobre Israel al decir: “Nunca jamas coma nadie fruto de ti” (Marcos 11:14). This means that Jesus has pronounced a curse on Israel by saying, "May no man eat fruit of thee ever again." (Mark 11:14)
Cuando van al templo el día siguiente la higuera esta seca desde sus raíces.On the way to Jerusalem On the way to Jerusalem the next day, they saw the fig tree withered at its roots. Jesús dice a sus discípulos que sus oraciones pueden tener el mismo poder que la Suya. Jesus tells his disciples that their prayers may have the same power as His. Pero deben perdonar la gente antes que oren por ella. But they must forgive people their sins against them so that God may forgive the disciple’s sins. Esto indica que el incidente con la higuera también esta hablando de gente. This indicates that the incident with the fig tree is also talking about people.
Jesús en el templo (Marcos 11:15-19)Jesus in the Temple (Mark 11:15-19)
En medio del incidente de la higuera, Jesús va al templo y encuentra que todos están comerciando en el.After the incident of the fig tree, Jesus goes to the temple to find that the money changers are hard at work buying and selling. Esta provoca la ira de Jesús. This provokes the wrath of Jesus. Jesús muestra su enojo con la situación del templo: He shows his anger at the situation by overturning their tables and driving men and animals from the temple courts.
¿No está escrito: 'Mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todas las naciones (Isaías 56:7)'?”Is it not written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7)? Pero ustedes lo han hecho una cueva de ladrones (Jeremías 7:8-11). But you have made it a den of thieves’” (Jeremiah 7:11).
Jesús esta abandonando el templo como casa de Dios.Jesus is leaving the temple as a house of God: “See! Your house is left to you desolate (Luke 13:35). En Isaías el propósito del templo era de ser un lugar donde todas las naciones podrían venir a adorar a Dios. In Isaiah the purpose of the temple was to be a place where all nations could come to worship God. Esta función era imposible antes de la cruz. This function was impossible before the cross. Ya ha sido abierto el camino (templo) a Dios para todas las naciones. Jesus paved the way (temple) for all nations to come to God.
La gente responde cantando el Salmo 118:25-26:People respond singing Psalm 118:25-26, “Te rogamos, oh Señor, sálvanos ahora (hosana); te rogamos, oh Señor.We pray, O Lord, save us now (Hosanna), we pray, O Lord. Bendito el que viene el el nombre del Señor; desde la casa del Señor los bendecimos. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. From the house of the Lord we bless you.” Debemos notar que todo el Salmo 118 es mesiánico. We should note that all of Psalm 118 is Messianic.
La higuera estéril (Marcos 11:12-14 y 11:20-26)The barren fig tree (Mark 11:12-14 and 11:20-26)
Jesús pasa con hambre a un higuera que no tiene fruto y lo maldice.Jesus is hungry and goes to a fig tree that has no fruit. He curses the tree. Esto es una acción simbólica en que la higuera representa a Israel (Jeremías 8:13; 29:15-20; Oseas 9:10; Joel 1:7; Miqueas 7:1-7). This is a symbolic action whereby the fig tree represents Israel (Jeremiah 8:13; 29:15-20, Hosea 9:10; Joel 1:7, Micah 7:1-7). Esto significa que Jesús esta pronunciando una maldición sobre Israel al decir: “Nunca jamas coma nadie fruto de ti” (Marcos 11:14). This means that Jesus has pronounced a curse on Israel by saying, "May no man eat fruit of thee ever again." (Mark 11:14)
Cuando van al templo el día siguiente la higuera esta seca desde sus raíces.On the way to Jerusalem On the way to Jerusalem the next day, they saw the fig tree withered at its roots. Jesús dice a sus discípulos que sus oraciones pueden tener el mismo poder que la Suya. Jesus tells his disciples that their prayers may have the same power as His. Pero deben perdonar la gente antes que oren por ella. But they must forgive people their sins against them so that God may forgive the disciple’s sins. Esto indica que el incidente con la higuera también esta hablando de gente. This indicates that the incident with the fig tree is also talking about people.
Jesús en el templo (Marcos 11:15-19)Jesus in the Temple (Mark 11:15-19)
En medio del incidente de la higuera, Jesús va al templo y encuentra que todos están comerciando en el.After the incident of the fig tree, Jesus goes to the temple to find that the money changers are hard at work buying and selling. Esta provoca la ira de Jesús. This provokes the wrath of Jesus. Jesús muestra su enojo con la situación del templo: He shows his anger at the situation by overturning their tables and driving men and animals from the temple courts.
¿No está escrito: 'Mi casa será llamada casa de oración para todas las naciones (Isaías 56:7)'?”Is it not written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7)? Pero ustedes lo han hecho una cueva de ladrones (Jeremías 7:8-11). But you have made it a den of thieves’” (Jeremiah 7:11).
Jesús esta abandonando el templo como casa de Dios.Jesus is leaving the temple as a house of God: “See! Your house is left to you desolate (Luke 13:35). En Isaías el propósito del templo era de ser un lugar donde todas las naciones podrían venir a adorar a Dios. In Isaiah the purpose of the temple was to be a place where all nations could come to worship God. Esta función era imposible antes de la cruz. This function was impossible before the cross. Ya ha sido abierto el camino (templo) a Dios para todas las naciones. Jesus paved the way (temple) for all nations to come to God.
They doubt the authority of Jesus (Mark 11:27-33)
“¿Con qué autoridad haces estas cosas o quién Te dio la autoridad de hacer esto?” (Marcos 11:28)."By what authority are You doing these things, or who gave You this authority to do these things?" (Mark 11:28). Jesús les responde con una pregunta acerca de si Juan era de Dios o no. Jesus responds with a question about whether John the Baptist was from God or not. Cómo no lo podían contestar tampoco les contesta. The religious rulers could not answer Jesus’ question regarding John so neither does He answer them.
Jesús da a conocer las intenciones de matarle (Marcos 12:1-12)Jesus discloses the intention of killing him (Mark 12:1-12)
Por medio de contarles la parábola de Isaías 5:1-7 Jesús pone al descubierto las intenciones de las autoridades judíos para matarle.By telling the parable of Isaiah 5:1-7, Jesus reveals the intentions of the authorities to kill Him. Cuando Jesús expone sus intenciones, ellos buscan prenderle. When Jesus exposed their intentions, they seek to arrest Him.
Tres ataques a Jesús (Marcos 12:13-34)Three attacks on Jesus (Mark 12:13-34)
El ataque político: ¿Se deben pagar impuestos?The political attack: I have to pay taxes?
El ataque religioso: ¿En la resurrección con quien voy a estar casado?Religious attack: In the resurrection with whom will I be married?
El ataque legal: ¿Cuál es el mandamiento mayor?The legal attack: What is the greatest commandment?
Tres ataques de Jesús a las autoridades judías (Marcos 12:35-44)Three attacks on Jesus by the Jewish authorities (Mark 12:35-44)
¿Cómo es el Señor el Hijo de David?How is the Lord the Son of David?
¿A quiénes se sirven los escribas?Who serves the scribes?
¿Quién da (ama) más a Dios?Who gives (love) to God; La viuda que da 2 monedas o el rico que da mucho de lo que le sobra.the widow who gives two coins or the rich men who give much of what they have left?
Discourse on the Destruction of the Temple (Mark 13:1-37)
Jesus proclaims the destruction of the temple. This announcement led to the question, when will these things be? The rest of the chapter is a discourse that answers this question. It is very easy to jump from the original context and make the question refer to the end of the world. But this was not the question. Jesus Himself answers the question by saying, "This generation shall not pass till all these things happen" (see Mark 13:30 Acts 1:6). Also Mark 13:26 says Jesus will come in the clouds with great power and glory, Acts 1:9-11:
"A cloud received Him and He was hidden from their eyes. As Jesus ascended, while they looked steadfastly toward heaven, there appeared two men in white robes who said, "Men of Galilee, why are looking at the sky? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:9-11).
“¿Con qué autoridad haces estas cosas o quién Te dio la autoridad de hacer esto?” (Marcos 11:28)."By what authority are You doing these things, or who gave You this authority to do these things?" (Mark 11:28). Jesús les responde con una pregunta acerca de si Juan era de Dios o no. Jesus responds with a question about whether John the Baptist was from God or not. Cómo no lo podían contestar tampoco les contesta. The religious rulers could not answer Jesus’ question regarding John so neither does He answer them.
Jesús da a conocer las intenciones de matarle (Marcos 12:1-12)Jesus discloses the intention of killing him (Mark 12:1-12)
Por medio de contarles la parábola de Isaías 5:1-7 Jesús pone al descubierto las intenciones de las autoridades judíos para matarle.By telling the parable of Isaiah 5:1-7, Jesus reveals the intentions of the authorities to kill Him. Cuando Jesús expone sus intenciones, ellos buscan prenderle. When Jesus exposed their intentions, they seek to arrest Him.
Tres ataques a Jesús (Marcos 12:13-34)Three attacks on Jesus (Mark 12:13-34)
El ataque político: ¿Se deben pagar impuestos?The political attack: I have to pay taxes?
El ataque religioso: ¿En la resurrección con quien voy a estar casado?Religious attack: In the resurrection with whom will I be married?
El ataque legal: ¿Cuál es el mandamiento mayor?The legal attack: What is the greatest commandment?
Tres ataques de Jesús a las autoridades judías (Marcos 12:35-44)Three attacks on Jesus by the Jewish authorities (Mark 12:35-44)
¿Cómo es el Señor el Hijo de David?How is the Lord the Son of David?
¿A quiénes se sirven los escribas?Who serves the scribes?
¿Quién da (ama) más a Dios?Who gives (love) to God; La viuda que da 2 monedas o el rico que da mucho de lo que le sobra.the widow who gives two coins or the rich men who give much of what they have left?
Discourse on the Destruction of the Temple (Mark 13:1-37)
Jesus proclaims the destruction of the temple. This announcement led to the question, when will these things be? The rest of the chapter is a discourse that answers this question. It is very easy to jump from the original context and make the question refer to the end of the world. But this was not the question. Jesus Himself answers the question by saying, "This generation shall not pass till all these things happen" (see Mark 13:30 Acts 1:6). Also Mark 13:26 says Jesus will come in the clouds with great power and glory, Acts 1:9-11:
"A cloud received Him and He was hidden from their eyes. As Jesus ascended, while they looked steadfastly toward heaven, there appeared two men in white robes who said, "Men of Galilee, why are looking at the sky? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:9-11).
The passion of Jesus (Mark 14-16) Mark emphasizes the historical fact of death and resurrection. The other world religions are not based on historical facts. Paul makes the point: "If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised, and if Christ has not risen, your faith is vain and you are still in your sins. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable” (1 Cor. 15:12-19).
...Preparations for the Passover (Mark 14:1-42) The first preparation is the plot to kill Jesus. The enemies of Jesus considered His impossible situation. They did not want the people to turn against them. Jesus is anointed in preparation for his death. Some complained about the waste of money in this act, but Jesus says this, "... she has anointed my body for burial" (Mark 14:8). Judas betrays Jesus. When the Jewish authorities heard that a disciple would betray Jesus, they offered him money. Jesus prepares his disciples for the Passover. Instructions were given to celebrate Easter. Jesus identifies the traitor as nobody knew who was going to betray them to the authorities. Jesus also indicates that it would be better if this man had not been born. Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper. Taking the words of Jeremiah, Jesus says this is, "My blood of the New Covenant", (Jeremiah 31:30-37) indicating that a new relationship was established between God and man. His blood is shed for "many" (Mark 14:24). Jesus goes to Gethsemane to surrender to authorities. His words indicate that he knew that his death was next.
Arrest of Jesus (Mark 14:43-14:72) Jesus
asks why he was treated like a thief when he has been in the Temple teaching
every day. It could be that the author of this gospel was present at the
arrest. It mentions that there is a young unnamed man who flees the scene
without clothes. Interestingly there is a prophecy which indicates that this
would happen (Amos 2.16).
Trial of Jesus The story of the Gospels always makes it clear that Jesus
was falsely accused. The witnesses were false. The first is a preliminary trial
before the Jewish authorities. They sought to make their case first, then take
Jesus to the Roman authorities. The Jews had limited authority which did not
include the right to capital punishment. Pilate put the question to the people;
Jesus, or Barrabas? They chose a murderer, Barrabas, instead of Jesus. Soldiers
mock Jesus.
The crucifixion and burial of Jesus (Mark 14:22-41) Jesus' death
describes the incredible brutality of the event. Crucifixion is one of the most painful ways
to die. One purpose of the story is to
show that Jesus died. Jesús had to day for there to be a resurrección.
Resurrection (Mark 16:1-8)
Jesús da a conocer las intenciones de matarle (Marcos 12:1-12)Tres ataques a Jesús (Marcos 12:13-34)Bibliography
- David Alan Black, Why Four Gospels?, Kregel, 2001.
- CEB Cranfield, Mark, Cambridge.
- Frank Thielman, Theology of the New Testament, Life.
Walter Wessel, Gospel of Mark, Life.
"Marcos" in DA Carson, et. al., New Bible Commentary XXI Century,
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