Sunday, November 10, 2013

1 Peter: A reading Guide

 1 Pedro1 Peter

Esta carta esta escrito hacía el final de la vida de Pedro a unos cristianos recién convertidos que vivían en Asía Menor.This letter was written towards the end of Peter's life, to newly converted Gentiles living in Asia Minor. Ellos estaban siendo por haberse convertido al cristianismo. They were being persecuted for having converted to Christianity. Parece ser que la mayoría eran de origen gentil. So the pEsta carta tiene una declaración de propósito en 1 Pedro 5:12 que lee así,urpose statement in 1 Peter 5:12 reads, “… to encourage and confirm that this is the true grace of God.  Stand firm in it.”
“… para animarlos y confirmarles que es la verdadera gracia de Dios.
Saludos (1 Pedro 1:1-2)Greetings (1 Peter 1:1-2):
1.1. Pedro indica que sus destinatarios viven en Asía Menor, lo que hoy es Turquía, que eran provincias en el Imperio Romano. Peter indicates that the recipients were living in Asia Minor, or what is now Turkey.  They would all be considered provinces in the Roman Empire.
2.2. Segundo, Pedro indica como la Trinidad esta presente en nuestra salvación. Peter indicates that the Trinity is present in our salvation.

Alabanza a Dios por la salvación (1 Pedro 1:3-12)Praise God for salvation (1 Peter 1:3-12)
PeterAquí se enfatiza que la salvación es un don que hemos recibido sin merecerlo.PePPPPPP emphasizes that salvation is a gift, which we receive from God.  It had nothing to do with our own merit. Nos ha dado un nuevo nacimiento a través de la resurrección de Jesús. Our new birth has everything to do with the resurrection of Jesus. The resurrection is what changes our lives. Esta vida es un don permanente por que Dios mismo nos protege y llevar a la salvación. This new life is a lasting gift that God himself guarantees.  He promises His protection, which will lead us to salvation to be fully revealed in the last time or end time.  Because we
Debido a que tenemos un Dios confiable, podemos estar alegres cuando vienen dificultades en esta vida.have a trustworthy God, we can even maintain our joy when trials come. Pedro esta seguro que habrá tiempos difíciles en el futuro. Peter is sure there will be difficult times in the future for them but he puts this in God’s hands by saying that God intends to try our faith to test the genuineness of it.

The Old Testaments prophets announced beforehand tEl mensaje de Jesús esta anunciado de ante mano por los profetas del Antiguo Testamento.he salvation message, about Jesus. Ellos estudiaron y observaron la salvación que viene en Jesús. They studied and looked into the salvation that comes through Jesus. Esto también es una exhortación a que nosotros también estudiamos las Escrituras para conocer esta salvación y el conocer el Dios que lo hizo. This is also a call for us to study the scriptures concerning this salvation that we might know the God who made us, saved us, and will eventually reveal to us our ultimate salvation in heaven. Pedro indica que esta salvación no se va a realizare hasta que Jesús se revela (su segunda venida). Peter indicates that this salvation is not fully to be effected before Jesus is revealed (i.e. at His second coming).  There is also here the idea that salvation is past, present, and future in scope.  This section also teaches the inevitability of suffering for Christ.
Ellos también enseñaron la necesidad de sufrir por Cristo.Suffering seems to be not only characteristic of a Christian but we might almost say a divine necessity.

Sed Santos (1 Pedro 1:13-2:3)Be Holy (1 Peter 1:13-2:3)
El cristiano debe ser como su Dios, “sean santos porque yo soy santo”.The Christian must be like his God; "Be holy because I am holy." Espejamos las atributos de nuestro Padre. We are to mirror the attributes of our heavenly Father. La obediencia no es opcional, porque sería una manera de menosprecia lo que nos ha dado en su gracia que fue comprado con la sangre de Jesús. Obedience is not optional.  Disobedience would dishonor God or belittle what has been given to us through His grace, which was bought with the blood of Jesus.

Identidad cristiana (1 Pedro 2:4-12)Christian Identity (1 Peter 2:4-12)
El cristiano no solo debe estar conciente de la salvación, sino también de su propia naturaleza como “ piedras vivas ” que forman el templo de Dios.Christians must not only be aware of salvation, but also of their own nature as "living stones" that form the temple of God. Necesitamos darnos cuenta de que Dios mismo habita con nosotros. We need to realize that God Himself dwells within us. Su presencia esta con nosotros todo el tiempo (Mateo 28:20), no solo cuando estemos en el culto, sino también cuando pecamos, despreciando a otros cristianos (1 Corintios 3:16-17) y cuando vayamos con las prostitutas (1 Corintios 6:12-20). His presence is with us all the time (Matthew 28:20), not only when we worship, but also when we sin (1 Corinthians 3:16-17).  Paul makes it very clear in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, that this principle even extends to casual sex or to visiting a prostitute.
Luego nos explica que somos “linaje escogido, real sacerdocio, nación santa, pueblo que pertenece a Dios” (1 Pedro 2:9).Then he explains that we are "… a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God." (1 Peter 2:9) Nuestra tarea es de “proclamar las obras maravillosas de aquel que los llamó de las tinieblas a su luz admirable” (1 Pedro 2:9). Our task is to "proclaim the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light." (1 Peter 2:9) No estamos anunciando, “mire lo que yo hice”, sino “esto es obra de Jesús”. We are not announcing, "Look what I did." but rather, "This is the work of Jesus."
Dios requiere que los sacerdotes también sean santos y llevar a cabo el culto como estipulado (Números)God also requires that priests be holy and conduct themselves according to properly stipulated worship.  (Leviticus 10 speaks of Aaron’s sons offering “strange fire” on the God´s altar. They didn´t follow the “right procedure” for worship.)

La primer parte de 1 Pedro habla de nuestra identidad, la segunda parte de cómo vivimos esta identidad hoy.The first part of 1 Peter speaks of our Christian identity, the second part how we live out this identity. Antes que podemos hacer la vida tenemos que saber quienes somos. Before we can reproduce Christian life, we ​​need to know who we are. Una vez que sabemos quienes somos, ya podemos hacer planes para ser y hacer lo que somos en Cristo. Once we know who we are, we can make plans to be and do what we are in Christ.

El resto del libro responde a la pregunta, “¿Cómo debe vivir un cristiano?The rest of the book answers the question, "How should a Christian live?” Pedro no da una explicación doctrinal de la vida y obra de Jesús. Peter does not give a doctrinal explanation of the life and work of Jesus. Esta buscando dar un consejo práctico sobe que significa ser cristiano en el ámbito de la vida.He does however give practical advice as to what it means to be a Christian in this world.

Sumisión los unos a los otros (1 Pedro 2:13-3:7)Submission to one another (1 Peter 2:13-3:7)
Efesios 5:21 dice, “Sométanse unos a otros, por reverencia a Cristo.”Ephesians 5:21 says, "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ."
Pedro indica que debemos someternos a las autoridades corruptos.Peter says we must also submit to the authorities, even if they are corrupt. Cuando el escribió 1 Pedro estaban viviendo bajo el gobierno corrupto del Imperio Romano. When he wrote 1 Peter, he was living under the corrupt government of the Roman Empire.  Cobraban impuestos por comisiones.Taxes were even collected on a commission basis! Imagínate.
La idea de “someterse unos a otros” es el principio de las relaciones cristianas.The idea of ​​"submitting to one another" is the basic principle of Christian relationships. Pedro lo aplica a gobiernos, esposas, esposos, padres, hijos, amos y esclavos. Peter applies it to governments, wives, husbands, parents, children, masters, and slaves.

Sufrir para hacer el bien (1 Pedro 3:8-4:19)Suffering for good (1 Peter 3:8-4:19)
Pedro tomó en serio el llamado de Jesús,Peter took seriously the call of Jesus.
“Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.  For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.  For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?  Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?  For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.” Mark 8:34-38 (Mark is recognized as recording what Peter said.)
Look at the relationship to Christ mentioned over and over in this section about suffering.

Como ser líder (1 Pedro 5:1-4)On being a leader (1 Peter 5:1-4)
Pedro esta haciendo un comentario sobre lo que Jesús dijo en la última cena con sus discípulos en Marcos 10:42-45 (vea Lucas 22:25-30) donde Jesús indica que el liderazgo es por servicio y no por oficio.Peter is making a comment about what Jesus said at the Last Supper with his disciples in Mark 10:42-45 (see Luke 22:25-30), where Jesus indicates that leadership comes by service and not with any expectation of return.
La actitud de un líder (anciano es un sinónimo para pastor en el Nuevo Testamento) de ser la de siervo y no de tirano, o jefe (. Acuérdense que todos somos siervos de Jesús.The attitude of a leader (elder is a synonym for pastor in the New Testament) ought to be one of a servant and not a tyrant, or boss.  We ought to remember that we are all servants of Jesus.

Consejos para jóvenes (1 Pedro 5:5-11)Advice for young people (1 Peter 5:5-11)
También aconseja a los jóvenes a someterse los unos a los otros.This letter also advises young people to submit to one another as well as to the elders. La actitud opuesto de someterse es de orgullo. The opposite of a submissive attitude is pride. Pedro esta conciente de que los jóvenes tienen que mantenerse firmes en su esperanza en Cristo. Peter is aware that young people have to remain steadfast in their hope in Christ. Si no tenemos bien puesto su esperanza en Cristo, vamos a ser seducido por soluciones y places que esta a la mano. If our hope is not firmly in Christ, we may well be seduced by the devil or the world.  Our strength must be in Christ and not ourselves.

Saludos finales (1 Pedro 5:12-14)Final Greetings (1 Peter 5:12-14)
Aquí al final de la carta Pedro declara su propósito por escribir la carta, “… para animarlos y confirmarles que ésta es la verdadera gracia de Dios.Here at the end of the letter, Peter declares his purpose for writing the letter; "... to encourage and testify that this is the true grace of God. Manténganse firmes en ella” (1 Pedro 5:12). Stand firm in it." (1 Peter 5:12) Pedro quiere que los nuevos creyentes en Cristo estén firmes frente las persecuciones que se presenten. Peter wants the new believers in Christ to be secure against any persecutions that may arise.

Pedro tenía un ayudante Silvano que le ayudó a escribir la cartaPeter had an assistantPeter had an assistant, Silvanus, who helped him write the letter.
Babilonia es un nombre sustituto para Roma.Babylon (vs. 13) is a substitute name for Rome. Esto indica que había mucha hostilidad a los cristianos en Roma en este tiempo. This indicates that there was much hostility to Christians in Rome at this time.
Etiquetas: 1 Pedro , sufrimiento